1. O home, around you prosperity revolves,
As if from you it draws and thrives.
١. يا دارُ دارتْ بك السُّعودُ
كأنها منك تستفيدُ
2. In you is every meaning of beauty,
Beyond which existence cannot strive.
٢. فيكِ من الحُسنِ كلُّ معنى
يُقَصِّر عن مثله الوُجود
3. You are a glimpse of the bounty,
Of the Lord whose grace constantly arrives.
٣. فأنتِ بعضُ اقتراحِ مولىً
للفضلِ من كَفِّه وُرود
4. Ever in might and favor he remains,
While jealous men thereby are deprived.
٤. لا زال في نعمةٍ وعزٍّ
بينهما يهلك الحسود
5. God made him the essence of giving,
So his nature is glory and kindness contrived.
٥. صَوَّره الله للعطايا
فطبعُه نَخْوةٌ وجُود