
The grief in my heart, eyes, and poison is heavy

وثقيل في القلب والعين والسم

1. The grief in my heart, eyes, and poison is heavy
For his sake each is suffering torment

١. وثقيل في القلب والعين والسَّمْ
ع فكلٌّ من أجله في عذابِ

2. His nearness is like the soul's separation from life
His distance pains like loss of glory, wealth, and youth

٢. قُرْبُه مثلُ فُرْقةِ النفس والأح
باب والعِزّ والغنى والشباب

3. If you asked people about all they hold most dear
You'd find none but him in their reply

٣. لو سألتَ الأنامَ عن كل ما تك
ره لم تُلْفِ غيرَه في الجواب

4. He's lower than dogs in worth, and if
You described him, you'd spare dogs the slander

٤. وهْو دونَ الكلابِ قَدْرا ولو أن
صفتَ نَزّهتَ عنه ذِكْر الكلاب