1. The messenger came to his servant with his book
In it were subtle blames and reproaches
١. جاء الرسولُ لعَبْدِه بكِتابِه
فيه لطائفُ لَوْمِه وعِتابِهِ
2. So I read his farewell, its words opened
Meanings like flowers blossoming after the rain clouds
٢. فقرأتُ مُودَعه ففَتَّح لفظُه
معنىً كزَهْرِ الروضِ غِبَّ سَحابه
3. I swear if the messenger hid his place
The breeze would still spread his fragrance
٣. أقسمتُ لو أخفَى الرسولُ مكانَه
لَسَرىَ النسيمُ بعَرْفِه فوَشَى به
4. The garden is in his parchment, the musk is in
His breath, the magic is in his manners
٤. الروض في قِرْطاسه والمِسْك في
أنفاسه والسِّحْر في آدابه
5. Like safety for the anxious from his enemies
And union for the outcast from his loved ones
٥. كالأمنِ للملهوف من أعدائه
والوَصْلِ للمهجور من أحبابه
6. Like sleep between the eyelids of one who lost consciousness
Staying up for what he faces from his predicaments
٦. كالنوم بين جفون من فقد الكرى
سَهَرا لما يلقاه من أَوْصابه
7. Words - if all creation gathered
In one being, responding would tire him
٧. لَفْظٌ لو اجتمع الخَليقةُ كلُّها
في واحدٍ أَعْياه ردُّ جَوابه
8. If the easiest of his words passed by Kindi
He would kiss the dust at his door
٨. لو مَرَّ بالكِنْدِىِّ أَيْسَرُ لفظةٍ
من شِعْره لَثم التراب ببابه
9. Who can compete with the sea in its currents?
Who dares visit the lion in his den?
٩. مَنْ ذا يُجارِى البحرَ في تياره
مَن ذا يزور اللَّيْثَ داخلَ غابه
10. My crime is lesser, though multiplied
Than that my master would change his ways
١٠. جُرمْى أقلُّ وإنْ تَعاظَمَ كَثْرةً
من أن يُغيِّر سيدي عن دابِه