1. How often the loving one longed for union, but gained no understanding,
And hoped for a response, but saw no possibility,
١. كم رام سَلْوَتَه العَذولُ فما وَعَى
ورجَا إجابَته فلم يَرَ مَطْمَعا
2. Since that secret was made known to him,
He left no room for blame.
٢. مذ صار ذاك السرُّ في أسماعه
لم يُبْقِ فيه للمَلامِة موضعا
3. I once had a heart, but love made it
A target for the glances of does, so it was ripped to shreds
٣. قد كان لي قلبٌ فصَيَّره الهوى
هَدَفا لألحاظِ الظِّبا فتَقطَّعا
4. By all those who made coquetry their profession,
The bough their tryst and flirtation their craft.
٤. مِن كلِّ من جَعل النَّقا كَفَلاله
والغُصن قَدّا والمَلاحة بُرْقُعا
5. They are two meadows lush with the water of delight, so if
The deaf rock drew near their bodies, it would bloom.
٥. رَياَّن من ماء النعيم فلو دَنا
من جسِمه الصَّخر الأَصمُّ لأَيْنَعا
6. Like the full moon when it rose, like the gazelle when
It glanced, like the bough when it swayed.
٦. كالبدر لما أَنْ بَدا كالَّظبْي لم
ا أنْ رَنا كالغُصْن لما أن سعى
7. Sweet is his talk, and nothing delights you more in his beauty
Than when his voice gives you pleasure.
٧. حلو الحديث فما يَروقك منظرا
بِجماله إلا وراقك مَسْمَعا
8. His smile reveals for you, when you sigh,
Fine pearls set in carnelian.
٨. يُبدي التبسمُ منه عند تَنهُّدي
دُرّا لطيفا في العقيقِ مُرصَّعا
9. Its delicacy tells you his saliva is
Wine mixed with musk when it is pure.
٩. تُنْبِيك نَكْهَتُه بأنّ رُضابَه
خمرٌ يَشوب المِسْكَ حين تَضوَّعا
10. Though torment was sweet with him, now that
He is sixteen, how much sweeter!
١٠. قد كان يَعْذُب لي العذابُ وسِنُّه
عَشْرٌ وكيف وقد تَزايدَ أربعا
11. Now that his beauty has reached perfection, and the light of youth
Shines radiant from his cheeks.
١١. حين استتمَّ جمالُه وأضاء في
وَجَناتِه نورُ الشبابِ مشعشعا
12. Why is fate so harsh with him, humbling him
To the lowest when he climbs highest?
١٢. ما بال حظى والزمانُ يَحُطُّه
باعا لأَسْفَلَ حين يرقَى إصبعا
13. He always opposes my will intentionally -
If I loved gray hair, he would go bald!
١٣. أبداً يُقابلني بضِدِّ إرادتي
قَصْدا فلو أهوى المَشيب لأَقْشَعا
14. When he saw my heart was open to his caprice,
He made it a square for them to race their steeds.
١٤. لما رأى قلبي بَوفْدَ صُروفِه
رَحْبا أصار لهن فيه مَرْبَعا
15. For every flirt who showed off with her anklets as she swayed,
Breaking my endurance with her overbold ways.
١٥. من كلِّ كالحةٍ إذا أَنْحَتْ على
رَضْوى بكَلْكَلها وَهَى وتَضَعْضَعا
16. His coquetry broke down the armor of my patience
And left no escape for my bow.
١٦. أفنتْ كنانُته دروعَ تَصبُّرى
ورَمى فلم يتركْ لقوسٍ مَنْزَعا
17. My state is like the lengthening of her name in his cares -
It takes up both worlds, leaving no time between.
١٧. حالي كممدودِ اسْمِها في هَمِّهِ
يستغرِق الثَّقَلَيْن في وقتٍ معا