1. She who has tortured my soul with what she decreed
With every torment, she neither spared nor forsook
١. إنّ التي عَذّبَتْ نَفْسي بما قَدَرَتْ
كُلَّ العذاب فما أَبْقَتْ ولا تَرَكَتْ
2. I jested with her, and she wept copiously
Turning away from me in grief, but when she saw me crying, she laughed
٢. مازَحْتُها فَبَكَتْ واستَعْبَرتْ جَزَعاً
عَنّي فلَمَّا رأتين باكياً ضَحِكَتْ
3. So I returned laughing, pleased at her laughter
Until when she saw me laughing, she cried
٣. فَعُدْتُ أَضْحكُ مسروراً بِضِحْكتِها
حَتّى إذا ما رأتني ضاحكاً فَبكَتْ
4. She wants the opposite of me, as she disobeyed her rider
One day a colt, but when he spurred her, she bolted
٤. تَبْغي خلافي كما خَبّت بِراكِبِها
يوماً قلوصٌ فَلمّا حَثَّها بَركَتْ
5. Is it not strange - nay, it increased my wonder
A slave girl who ruled after she was ruled
٥. أَلَيْسَ مِنْ عَجَبٍ بل زادني عَجَباً
مملوكةٌ مَلَكَتْ من بعدما مُلِكَتْ
6. As if she were a pearl I used to hoard
For a day of hardship, but when I threw it, it was lost
٦. كأَنَّها دُرَّةٌ قَدْ كُنْتُ أَذْخَرُها
لِيَوْمِ عُسْرٍ فَلَمَّا رُمْتُها هَلَكَتْ