
She let down three braids of her hair

نشرت ثلاث ذوائب من شعرها

1. She let down three braids of her hair
To shade me, fearing spies.

١. نَشَرَت ثَلاثَ ذَوَائِبٍ مِن شَعرِها
لِتُظِلّني حذَرَ الوُشاةِ الرُّمَقِ

2. It was as if she and I and they
Were dawn, grown dark beneath a night fallen.

٢. فكَأَنَّنِي وَكَأَنَّها وَكَأَنَّهُ
صُبحانِ باتا تَحتَ لَيلٍ مُطبِق