
He says, as I gathered resolve among the people

يقول وقد ألممت بالإنس لمة

1. He says, as I gathered resolve among the people,
My limbs dyed, mute of anklets,

١. يَقولُ وَقَد أَلمَمتُ بِالإِنسِ لَمَّةً
مُخَضَّبَةُ الأَطرافِ خُرسُ الخَلاخِلِ

2. Is this the friend of ghouls, wolves and she
Who wanders with the dames of wraps, the spinsters?

٢. أَهَذا خَليلُ الغولِ وَالذِّئبِ وَالَّذي
يَهيمُ بِرَبّاتِ الحِجالِ الهَراكِلِ

3. The virgins saw the form of the scruffy, pale,
On the barren land, smiling, handsome of traits,

٣. رَأَت خَلقَ الأَدراسِ أَشعَثَ شاحِباً
عَلى الجَدبِ بَسّاماً كَريمَ الشَّمائِلِ

4. He inherited from his fathers their killings,
And feeding them in every dusty, comprehensive.

٤. تَعَوَّدَ مِن آبائِهِ فَتَكاتِهِم
وَإِطعامَهُم في كُلِّ غَبراءَ شامِلِ

5. If he hunted game, he wrapped it in his garment,
Quickly, and did not wait to set up the cooking-pots,

٥. إِذا صادَ صَيداً لَفَّهُ بَضِرامِهِ
وَشيكاً وَلَم يُنظِر لِنَصبِ المَراجِلِ

6. And a roar like the roar of a falcon, then he split
Its head with his two hands, the wavering old man.

٦. وَنَهساً كَنَهسِ الصَّقرِ ثُمَّ مِراسَهُ
بِكَفَّيهِ رَأسَ الشيحَةِ المُتَمايِلِ

7. So he did not draw out a handkerchief amongst a group,
Or alone, since he shouted amongst the midwives.

٧. فَلَم يَسحَبِ المنديلَ بَينَ جَماعَةٍ
وَلا فارداً مُذ صاحَ بَينَ القَوابِلِ

8. If God wanted to humiliate a tribe,
He bombarded it with scattering of passions and cowardice.

٨. إِذا ما أَرادَ اللَّهُ ذُلَّ قَبيلَةٍ
رَماها بِتَشتيتِ الهَوى وَالتَّخاذُلِ

9. And the first incapacity of the people from what befalls them,
Is their prolonged defending of it.

٩. وَأَوَّلُ عَجزِ القَومِ عَمّا يَنوبُهُم
تَدافُعُهُم عَنهُ طولُ التَّواكُلِ

10. And the first evil of water is the evil of its soil,
And the first villainy of the people is the villainy of relatives.

١٠. وَأَوَّلُ خبثِ الماءِ خَبثُ تُرابِهِ
وَأَوَّلُ لُؤمِ القَومِ لُؤمُ الحَلائِلِ