1. O son of brave Sa'eed, my flesh is gone
And your neglect has slain my heart
١. أيا ابنَ سَعيد زبرٍ بادَ لَحمي
وَقَد أَودَى حِذارُكَ بالفُؤادِ
2. I am skin and bones and dying of hunger
My guts are seared by prickly pears
٢. وَمتُّ هَرِيئَةً وهَلَكتُ جُوعاً
وحرَّقَ مَعدَتي شَوكُ القَتَادِ
3. Berries of colocynth, bitter as gall
While my belly rumbles loud as a valley
٣. وحَبَّةِ حَنظلٍ ولُبَاب قُطبٍ
وتَنوم تَنطَّقُ بَطنَ وادي
4. My bones jut out like the humps of camels
And I'm as thin as sticks in the dark
٤. كأنَّ حَراقِفي جُلَبٌ تَدَامى
وَصِرتُ كآلِ نُوبَةَ في السَّوادِ
5. So the wolf waits to take me, frail and slow
My steps grown weak, my voice faint and low
٥. فأَمسى الذِّيبُ يرقُبُني مِخَشّاً
لخِفَّةِ ضَربَتي وضَعيفِ آدِي
6. And two ghouls, male and female sit watching
Like buyers eyeing goods in the market
٦. وغُولا قَفرَةٍ ذَكَرٌ وأُنثى
كأنَّ عَلَيهما قِطَعَ البِجَادِ
7. A mother hyena leading her young
A long-clawed leopard swift on the run
٧. وضَبعٌ أُمُّ أَربَعَة ونمرٌ
طَويلُ الباعِ ذُو نَاب حدادِ
8. Will you leave me to them, O noble lion?
My flesh can hardly serve to sate one
٨. أَتَترُكُهُنَّ يا ابنَ سعيدِ زَبرٍ
ولحمي ليسَ ذاكَ من السَّدادِ
9. I've robbed no man nor blocked any road
Yet enemies' tales you have heard and bowed
٩. ولَم أَظلِم ولَم أَقطَع طَريقاً
وتسمعُ بي أَقاوِيلَ الأعادِي
10. If I were prince and you were the pauper
I'd not have hounded you out of my land
١٠. فَلَو كُنتُ الأَمير وكُنتَ مِثلي
طَريداً ما طَرَدتُكَ في البلادِ
11. Save me, and your fame will never fade
Rising high as the stars man has made
١١. أَجِرني لا يَزَل لك مِن ثَنَاءٍ
ثَنَاءٌ مِثلُ سابِقةِ العِهادِ
12. No lion or raider can match your glory
No kings can eclipse your storied saga
١٢. فَما لَيثٌ بأَجرى منكَ عادٍ
ولا أَسَدٌ مِنَ الأَجَمَاتِ غادِي