
Though we are the eloquent ones of our people

إنا وإن كنا أسنة قومنا

1. Though we are the eloquent ones of our people
And we have amongst them an elevated position

١. إِنّا وَإِن كُنّا أَسِنَّةَ قَومِنا
وَكانَ لَنا فيهِم مَقامٌ مُقَدَّمُ

2. We will turn a blind eye to those things of theirs that vex us
And turn away from the ignorant one among them and be forbearing

٢. لَنَصفَحُ عَن أَشياءَ مِنهُم تَريبُنا
وَنصدفُ عَن ذي الجَهلِ مِنهُم وَنَحلمُ

3. And bestow upon some of them who envy us
A gentle bounty with no regret

٣. وَنَمنَحُ مِنهُم مَعشَراً يَحسدونَنا
هَنِيَّ عَطاءٍ لَيسَ فيهِ تَنَدُّمُ

4. And we will guard them in secret from us carefully
While our livers ache for them in pain

٤. وَنَكلُؤُهُم بِالغَيبِ مِنّا حَفيظةً
وَأَكبادُنا وَجداً عَلَيهِم تَضَرَّمُ

5. For it is not praiseworthy before people that one should repay
Evil with the evil done by the blamable offender

٥. فَلَيسَ بِمَحمودٍ لَدى الناسِ مَن جَزى
بِسَيِّءِ ما يَأتي المُسيءُ المُلَوَّمُ

6. I will bear all the rage of my people
And ward off from them every debt and pay

٦. سَأَحمِلُ عَن قَومي جَميعَ كُلومِهِم
وَأَدفَعُ عَنهُم كُلَّ غُرمٍ وَأَغرَمُ