1. I wish she who mocked me and my camel
Would taste what I have tasted of fear and journeys,
١. لَيتَ الَّتي سَخِرَت مِنّي وَمِن جَمَلي
ذاقَت كَما ذُقتُ مِن خَوفٍ وَأَسفارِ
2. And of students full of rancor
Who glare at me angrily with their eyes.
٢. وَمِن طِلاب وَطُلابٍ ذَوي حَنَقٍ
يَرمونَ نَحوي مِن غَيظٍ بِأَبصارِ
3. Either you see me and my garment flying as
The wild doves of Karam flew not subservient,
٣. إِمّا تَريني وَسِربالي يَطيرُ كَما
طارَت عَقيقَةُ قَرمٍ غَيرِ خَوّارِ
4. If they kill me, the deaths of the valiant, as
I was told, are death without disgrace.
٤. إِن يَقتُلوني فَآجالُ الكماةِ كَما
خُبِّرتُ قَتلٌ وَما بِالقَتلِ مِن عارِ
5. And if I survive for a time other than this, perhaps
Each soul is bound for a time and decree.
٥. وَإِن نَجَوتُ لِوقتٍ غَيره فَعَسى
وَكُلُّ نَفسٍ إِلى وَقتٍ وَمِقدارِ
6. O Lord, the enemies have sworn and strove
Their oaths that I am of the inhabitants of the Fire.
٦. يا رَبِّ قَد حَلفَ الأَعداءُ وَاِجتَهَدوا
أَيمانَهم إِنَّني مِن ساكِني النارِ
7. Do they swear against the blind and ignorant?
What is their knowledge of the great forgiving?
٧. أَيَحلِفونَ عَلى عَمياءَ وَيَحَهُمُ
مَا علمُهُم بِعَظيمِ العَفوِ غَفّارِ
8. I hope for forgiveness from the Merciful
And favor from the Sustainer of the steadfast religion.
٨. إِنِّي لأَرجو مِنَ الرَّحمَنِ مَغفِرَةً
وَمِنَّةً مِن قُوامِ الدينِ جَبّارِ
9. I do not fear destruction between Their pardon
And nothing escapes Them, the fleeing evildoer.
٩. وَما أَخافُ هَلاكاً بَينَ عَفوِهِما
وَما يَفوتُهُما المُستَوهِل السارِي
10. To Them from Them I escape in trepidation
As a fearful wary one escaped the vestiges.
١٠. إِلَيهِما مِنهُما أَنجو عَلى وَجَلٍ
كَما نَجا خائِفٌ خاشٍ لآثاري
11. I am the boy freed by God supplicating
With repentance after error and elapse.
١١. أَنا الغُلامُ عَتيقُ اللَّهِ مُبتَهِلٌ
بِتَوبَةٍ بَعدَ إِحلاءٍ وَإِمرارِ
12. I have abandoned the gates of ignorance I used to follow
As a journey bids farewell to the courtyard of home.
١٢. خَلَّيتُ باباتِ جَهلٍ كُنتُ أَتبَعُها
كَما يُوَدِّعُ سَفرٌ عَرصَةَ الدارِ
13. I know that soon my companions will leave me
A hostage to dust between stones.
١٣. إِنِّي لأَعلَمُ أَنِّي سَوفَ يَترُكُني
صَحبي رَهينَةَ تُربٍ بَينَ أَحجارِ
14. Alone in a wilderness or amidst a cemetery
The winds of the fleeting destroyer blow over me.
١٤. فَرداً بِرابِيَةٍ أَو وسطَ مَقبَرَةٍ
تسفي عَلَيَّ رِياحُ البارِحِ الذَّاري