1. Red-hued camel, fully adorned,
As if she's a camel bearing her family's belongings,
١. حَمراءُ تامِكَةُ السَّنامِ كَأَنَّها
جَمَلٌ بِهَودَجِ أَهلهِ مَظعونُ
2. He bid her farewell with his right hand -
Like both hands of mighty youth at dawn.
٢. جادَت بِها عِندَ الوَداعِ يَمينُهُ
كِلتا يَدَي عُمر الغَداةَ يَمينُ
3. By God! None would give its equal for its equal,
Except the generous man or the madman.
٣. تَاللَّهِ أَعطى مِثلَها في مِثلِهِ
إِلا كَريمُ الخيمِ أَو مَجنونُ