
Some people stood against me before my beloved

قامت بعذلي لدى المحبوب أقوام

1. Some people stood against me before my beloved
And insisted on keeping me away from him, though they were misguided

١. قامَت بِعَذلي لَدى المَحبوبِ أَقوام
وَصَمَّموا عَذلتي عَنهُ وَقَد حاموا

2. And whenever I tried to get closer to his features
Their arrows came threatening me with misfortune

٢. وَكُلَّما رُمت قُربا مِن شَمائِلِهِ
جاءَت تهددني لِلحَظ أَسهام

3. It was as if they were an obstinate gang of unbelievers
In whose hearts dwelt no truth or submission

٣. كَأَنَّهُم بعنادى عصبة كَفَروا
ما حل في قَلبِهِم صدق وَاِسلام

4. They went astray in their tyranny, ignorant of the wisdom of Him
By whose command creation and destruction come to be

٤. ضَلوا لِطُغيانِهِم جَهلا بحكمة مِن
بِأَمرِهِ كانَ اِيجادُ وَاِعدام

5. And they plotted my death through separation from the fresh pasture
Without which I would not have raised the banners of love

٥. وَأَبرَموا قَتلتي بِالبُعد عَن رَشَأ
لَولاهُ ما رَفَعتُ لِلحُبِّ أَعلام

6. They embarked upon the sea of love without weakening or humbling
Without yielding or swimming or effort

٦. هُم اِستَجَدّوا ببحر الحُب ما وَهَنوا
وَما اِستَكانوا وَما خاضوا وما عاموا

7. They did not know that I have spent my life in ardour
Swimming in the sea of passion for years

٧. لَم يَعلَموا اِن قَضيت العُمر في الجج
وَلي بِبَحر الهَوى عوم وَأَعوام

8. So how many precious necklaces have I gained from Him
While the pearl seeker is not discouraged by fantasies

٨. فَكَم رَبِحتَ عُقودا مِنهُ مثمنة
وَطالب الدر لا يُثنيه أَوهام

9. And how many times have I crashed against rocks in His paths
Until foam and gems were the same to me

٩. وَكَم صدمت بِشَعب في مَسالِكِه
حَتّى اِستَوى فيهِ عِندي الزبد وَالخام

10. And He knows all that has come upon me in passion
As I have described to that gazelle in my poems

١٠. وَكل ما نالَني في الوَجد يَعلَمُهُ
ذاكَ الغَزالُ كَما خصته أَقلام

11. But he follows the ways of his gang
In all they desisted from and said

١١. لكِنَّهُ سالِك أُسلوب عصبته
في كُل ما قَعَدوا عَنهُ وَما قالوا

12. With malice they erred, far from resembling
The family of Joseph though their ignorance made them stumble

١٢. بِالحِقدِ هاموا وَحاشا اِن أَمثَلَهُم
بِآل يوسِف مذفى جهلَهُم هاموا

13. And if they recited verses of love's deception in devotion
Whether praying or fasting

١٣. وَاِن تَلوا في الهَوى آيات غرته
وَجودِها وَاِن صَلوا وَاِن صاموا

14. I always see in the course of their glances
Arrows that in the darkness are quivers

١٤. اِني أَرى في مَجاري لَحظِهِم أَبَدا
مَناويا هي في الاِحشامِ اِسهام

15. I fear for the gaze from the whispering of their resentments
Since their hands are quick to betray

١٥. اِخشي عَلى الريم مِن نَجوى ضَغائِنِهم
لاِن اليَتهم في الغَدرِ ضَرغام

16. My hand is on my heart morning and night
For one who still lives though his companion is no more

١٦. يَدي عَلى الكَبدِ في صُبح بدا وَمَسى
عَلى شَقيق لَهُ في الحَي ما داموا