
With chastity I guard the honor of my veil,

بيد العفاف أَصون عز حجابي

1. With chastity I guard the honor of my veil,
And with my virtue I rise above my peers.

١. بيد العفاف أَصون عز حجابي
وِبِعِصمَتي أَسمو عَلى أَترابي

2. With intellect, leadership and talent -
My manners perfected and refined.

٢. وَبِفِكرَة وَقادَة وَقَريحة
نَقادَة قَد كَمَلَت آدابي

3. And I have composed poetry as a trait,
Of my genteel people of repute and prestige.

٣. وَلَقَد نَظَمت الشِعرَ شيمَة مَعشَر
قَبلى ذَوات الخُدور وَالاِحساب

4. I say only eloquent words,
Seeking excellence in speech and writing.

٤. ما قُلتُه الافكاهة ناطِق
يَهوى بَلاغَة مَنطِق وَكِتاب

5. With Naiya's grace and Layla's example,
And with my wisdom I deliver my discourse.

٥. فَبِنِيَّة المهدى وَلَيلى قُدوَتي
وَبِفِطنَتي أَعطي فَصل خطابي

6. Praise be to God for the inspiration,
That wove majesty for the exalted ladies.

٦. لِلَّهِ در كَواعِب منوالها
نَسج العُلا لِعَوانِس وَكِعاب

7. She adorned with precious pearls, and protected -
Al-Khansa in the rock of rugged terrain.

٧. وَخَصَّصَت بِالدُر الثَمين وَحامَت ال
خَنساء في صَخر وجوب صِعاب

8. She made my forehead the mirror of my notebooks,
And made ink decoration for my hands.

٨. فَجَعَلَت مِرآنى جَبين دَفاتِري
وَجَعَلَت من نقش المداد خضابي

9. How my fingers have adorned the gardens of Tarasa,
With the bracelets' touch of youthful palms.

٩. كم زَخرَفَت وَجنات طرسى أَنملى
بعذار خط أَواهاب شَباب

10. For you the light of glory shone, and exuded -
In the meadow of loved ones, the scent of my words.

١٠. وَلَكُم زها شَمع الذكا وَتَضوعَت
بِعَبيرِ قَولى رَوضَة الاِحباب

11. I have gifted the ladies with eloquence,
That makes them envy me whether present or absent.

١١. منطقت ربات اِلَيها بِمَناطِق
يَغبطها في حضرتي وَغِيابي

12. And I have solved in the gathering of passions,
The rituals of genealogy and lineage.

١٢. وَحَلَّلَت في نادى الشُعور ذَوائِبا
عَرَفت شَعائِر ما ذو الاِنساب

13. I have sought refuge for my ideas in the arts of rhetoric,
With a talisman of honor and veil of modesty.

١٣. عوذت مِن فِكري فُنون بَلاغَتي
بِتَميمَة غَرا وَحرز حِجاب

14. Neither my education nor learning,
Harmed me, but made me the flower of reason.

١٤. ما ضَرَّني أَدبي وَحُسنُ تَعَلُّمي
الا يَكونى زَهرَة الاِلباب

15. Neither my bashfulness, nor fastening of my headscarf,
Nor the style of my dress and pride of my abode.

١٥. ما ساءَني خدري وَعَقد عِصابَتي
وَطَرازُ ثَوبي وَاِعتِزاز رَحابي

16. Neither my shyness from the sublime,
Nor dropping the veil with my sign and mask.

١٦. ما عاقَني خَجلي عَن العليا وَلا
سَدل الخِمار بِلِمَّتي وَنِقابي

17. From entering the racecourse when the path,
Became difficult for the hopes of the riders.

١٧. عَن طي مِضمار الرَهان اِذا اِشتَكَت
صَعب السِياق مطامح الرِكاب

18. Rather my ferocity in comfort and my vigor,
In seeking the best outcome of my efforts.

١٨. بَل صَولَتي في راحَتي وَنفرسى
في حُسنِ ما أَسعى لِخَير مَآب

19. Not to mention the secret well preserved,
Whose strangeness spread amongst strangers.

١٩. ناهيكَ من سر مَصون كنهَه
شاعَت غَرابَتِه لَدى الاِغراب

20. Like musk sealed in treasure chests,
Its beautiful scent permeates the wrappings.

٢٠. كَالمِسكِ مَختوم بِدُرج خَزائِن
وَيَضوع طيبُ طيبِهِ بِمَلاب

21. Or like the sea where pearls of treasure lie,
That made the seeker's hand go limp.

٢١. أَو كَالبِحار حوت جَواهِر لُؤلُؤ
عَن مَسِّها شَلت يَد الطلاب

22. Praise the longing and attaining,
That made the diver suffer such torment.

٢٢. در لِشَوق نَوالِها وَمَنالُها
كَم كابِد الغَواس فَصل عَذاب

23. And commended chastity befitted her,
As told in every scripture.

٢٣. وَالعَنبَر المَشهود وافَق صونَها
وَشُؤنَه تَتلى بِكُل كِتاب

24. You have lit the lamp of eloquence, and it is for me,
A gift from the Giver of Gifts.

٢٤. فَأَنَرتَ مِصباح البَراعَةِ وَهيَ لي
مَنح الا لَهُ مَواهِب الوَهاب