1. God has blessed us with joy
And the nights have shone with hopes
١. لَقَد من الاله لَنا بِسَعد
وَأَشرَقَت اللَيالي بِالاماني
2. Success has stood in the club as an orator
And fortune has strummed the strings of melody
٢. وَقامَ الفَوزُ في النادي خَطيبا
وَدق الحَظ أَوتار المَثاني
3. You are the spirit and eye of meaning
And lantern of happiness with congratulations
٣. وَأَنتُم لِلمَعنى عَين وَروح
وَمشكاة السُرور مَعَ التَهاني
4. For you is the essence of pleasure in waiting
So grow with kindness and intimacy
٤. لَكُم صَفو المَسَرَّة في اِنتِظار
فَمنوا بِالتَعطف وَالتَداني
5. Answer the caller's call for you
Are leaders, and gatherings like coal
٥. أَجيبوا دَعوَةَ الداعي فَأَنتُم
فَرائد وَالمَجالِس كَالجُمان