1. My body's elements were not afflicted by
The onslaught of illnesses, until it overtook them.
١. كانَت عَناصِرُ جِسمي لا يُقارِبُها
طل السِقام وَقَد أَمسى بِها وابِل
2. How could they not be, when my heart exhales with sighs,
And the eyes of the gazelle quench their magic from the rainwater.
٢. وَكَيفَ لا وَبِقَلبي زَفرَة وَعَنا
وَأَعيُن الغَيد تَروى السِحر عَن بابِل
3. From its illness, my body has rejected treatment, so I do not
See my heart accepting doses of remedy.
٣. وَالجِسمُ مِن سَقمِهِ صَد العِلاجُ فَما
أَرى فُؤادي لِجُرعاتِ الشَفا قابِل
4. If Galen had examined this sickness, it would have defeated him,
And Luqman would say that treating me was futile.
٤. لَو شَخص الداء جالينوس أَعجَزَهُ
وَقالَ لُقمانُ تَكليفي بِهِ باطِل
5. How can there be healing, when the one I love left me?
Alas, ardent love is an endless sea.
٥. كَيفَ الشِفاءُ وَمَن أَهواهُ فارَقَني
هَيهاتَ اِنَّ الجَوى بَحر بِلا ساحِل
6. The doctor came to treat me, so I said:
Leave off your medicine, do not tire yourself in vain.
٦. جاءَ الطَبيبُ يُداويني فَقُلتُ لَهُ
دَع عَنكَ طبي وَلا تَتعَب بِلا طائِل
7. Medicine and recovery have avoided and shunned me,
Prevented by the deeds of passion.
٧. تَعذر الطِب وَالبرء اِنزَوى وَنَأى
عَنّي وَلَونى مِن فِعل الهَوى حائِل
8. Medicine and physicians are useless for a burning heart,
And the eyelids overflow with tears.
٨. ما يَنفَعُ الطِب وَالاِحشاء في حَرق
وَالجِفنُ مِن فَرطِ وُجدى دَمعِهِ هاطِل
9. If you doubt the passion and longing within me,
Then feel my pulse, for it is the just witness.
٩. اِن كُنتَ تُنكِر ما بي مِن جَوى وَضَنى
فَجِس نَبضي فَهُوَ الشاهِد العادِل
10. He said to me after feeling the pulse, alas:
If its symptoms are severe, the disease is fatal.
١٠. فَقالَ لي بَعد جس النَبضِ وا أَسَفا
الداءُ اِن عَظُمتَ أَعراضُهُ قاتَل