
O you who is exalted above any peer or likeness

يا من تنزه عن شبه يماثله

1. O you who is exalted above any peer or likeness
In the charm of beauty or in the softness of character

١. يا مَن تنزه عن شبه يماثله
في غرة الحسن أَو فى رقة الشيم

2. You have illuminated the lantern of beauty with beauty
Your light has brightened the world from darkness

٢. أَنَرتَ بِالحُسنِ مُشكاة الجَمالِ وَقَد
ضاءَت بِأَنوارِكَ الدنيا مِنَ الظُلمِ

3. If the full moon lost sight of you one day it would say astonished
You are the morning and you are the light for the nations

٣. لَو خالَكَ البَدرُ يَوماً قالَ مُندَهِشاً
أَنتَ الصَباح وَأَنتَ النور للامم

4. I am happy but with excuses from any burden
When we meet and you are the gentle rain

٤. أَنا المسر بَل بِالاِعذار مِن كلفى
اِذا اِلتَقَينا وَأَنتَ الرائِقُ الوَسم

5. Blessed are the eyes that kohl with your beauty was applied
It made forgetful of any pleasure but you they have not slept

٥. طوبى لِعَين بِذياك السَنا اِكتَحَلَت
اِنسانَها في سِوى اللَذّاتِ لَم يَنم

6. So may God protect the gaze that glanced at you
A foot that walked and a tongue that spoke and won with words

٦. فَيا رَعى اللَه اِحداقا لَهُ نَظَرت
قَدما وَحيا لِسانا فازَ بِالكَلم

7. Days came and time was smiling
Joy and we in its protection were organized

٧. أَيّام وافى وَكانَ الوَقتُ مُبتَسِما
صَفوا وَكُنّا بِشَمل مِنهُ مُنتَظِم

8. Prisoner of your love, O brilliant moon, we complain
Until love itself from early on loved you

٨. أَسير حُبِّكَ يا بَدرا نبرى شجنا
حَتّى كانَ الهَوى يَهواهُ من قدم

9. Sun of eloquence from you it rose radiant
What bounty, from the greatest of bounties

٩. شَمس الفَصاحَةِ أَضحَت مِنكَ مُشرِقَة
فَيا لَها نِعمة من أَكبَر النِعَم

10. How about me and my words, if it could encompass
Palaces in their expanse with what I attained of generosity

١٠. فَكَيفَ بي وَبقولي اِن يُحيطُ عَلى
قُصور باعى بِما أَحرَزتُ مِن كَرَم

11. And these are words led by passion
To you, without it they would not have come from the pen

١١. وَهذِهِ كَلِمات قادَها شَغف
اِلَيكَ لَولاهُ لَم تبرز مِنَ القَلَم

12. They came and in shyness they hurry
Fearing in meeting you a stumble of steps

١٢. جاءَت وَمن خَجَل تَمشي عَلى عَجل
تَخافُ عِند لُقاها زلة القَدم

13. So receive them with acceptance for they hope
A palmful from the sea or a sip from the cup

١٣. فحبها بِقبول فهي راجِيَة
غرفا من البَحرِ أَو رَشفا مِن الديم