1. The people of arrogance, they have led their glories
East and west, it has taken all it encountered
١. آل الغُرور لَقَد ساقوا نَجائبِهِم
شَرقا وَغربا قَد است كل ما لاقت
2. They thought time would obey them despite itself
Yet time yielded to them only for a while
٢. ظَنّوا الزَمانَ عَلى رُغمِ يُطاوِعُهُم
وَاِن أَوقاته طوعا لَهُم رافَت
3. It is but an enemy that will suddenly strike them
With a bolt of treachery it has grown accustomed to
٣. وَلَيسَ اِلّا عَدوا سوف يفجأهم
برقط غدر اِلى عاداتها اِشتاقَت