
Laila was not satisfied with my estrangement until

وليلى ما كفاها الهجر حتى أرتني

1. Laila was not satisfied with my estrangement until
She saw with her eyes the wound in my heart

١. وَلَيلى ما كَفاها الهَجرُ حَتّى
أَرَتني جُرحَ قَلبي بِالعُيونِ

2. And you were not content with shedding my blood but
In passion made public my honor and faith

٢. وَما قَنَعتَ بِسَفكِ دِمى وَلكِن
أَباحَت في الهَوى عَرضي وَديق

3. So I said to her, "Have mercy on one in pain," and she said,
"My mother, I am afflicted so who will help me?"

٣. فَقُلتُ لَها اِرحَمي الاِمى قالَت
بامى قَد بَليت فَمن مُعيني

4. "Can you have mercy in passion when you are aflame?
Is there in love, my mother, any pity for me?"

٤. أَتَرحَمُ في الغَرام وَأَنت صب
وَهل في الحُب يا أُمّي اِرحَميني