
The dweller of spacious meadows set forth with yearning

حل الرحاب نزيل ساقه شغف

1. The dweller of spacious meadows set forth with yearning
To kiss the palms of my Master who singled me out with determination

١. حَل الرِحاب نَزيل ساقَه شَغف
لِلثم راحات مَولى خَص بِالهِمم

2. And you came while yearning moved towards its goal
And in my conviction, I will meet a brother of noble traits

٢. وَجِئتَ وَالشَوقُ وافى نَحوَ سدته
وَفي يَقيني أَن أَلقى أَخا شيم

3. So I wandered like a 'nun' in an ocean that has swelling waves
That shook out from my chest concealed agonies

٣. فَتهت كَالنونِ في بَحر لَهُ ثَبج
مُذهزنى لاعج مِن صَدرى الضَرم

4. And if the day is blessed with ease and comfort
A star whose light fades when I say: O star! Does not last

٤. وَاِن حَظى عَقيل بِالكول وَلى
نَجم اِذا قُلتُ دم يا نَجم لَم يَدُم

5. By God! If I had the means to reunite
I would not have been with cracked palms and feet

٥. وَاللَهُ لَو اِن لي بِالشَملِ طائِلَة
لَما فَعُدت عَصيب الكَف وَالقِدَم

6. Keep steady the hands of the driver of sighs, what
His hands sketched as provisions for the army's march

٦. ثبت يَدا سائِق الاِظعان ما رَسَمَت
يَداهُ لِلعيس سير الاِينق الرَسم

7. The nights of pining cried out with ecstasy while he
In my weakness concealed its flames, oh what a concealer!

٧. باحَت لَيالي النَوى بِالوَجد وَهُوَ عَلى
ضَعفي كَتَمت لَظاه أَي مُكتتم

8. My Master, for me from the vast plain of pardon its ample part
And the best reprimand is that built on hope

٨. مَولاى لي مِن بَسيط العَفو وافِره
وَأَفضَل العَتب ما يُبنى عَلى العشم

9. I tied myself to bewilderment without reason
While my habit was of lasting grace and generosity

٩. رَبَطت بِالتيهِ أَمراسى بِلا سَبب
وَكانَ عَهدي مَديد الفَضل وَالكَرَم

10. I was surprised when the Master was spurned by his follower
And coldness was openly declared to one considered close

١٠. عَجِبتُ اِذ يُزدَرى المَولى بِتابِعِه
وَيُعلِن الصَد لِلمَحسوب في القَدم

11. Are you bringing the vessel of loyalty or consent, so you quench
The thirsty, while your sweet water is for all people

١١. تَؤم مزن الوَفا أَم الرِضا فَتَسقى
عَطشى وَوَردِكَ صافى الماء لِلامم

12. He seeks your truthful shore, yet you deprive him
While your sweet water heals the body of sickness

١٢. يَسعى لِساحِلِكَ الصادى فَتَحرِمُه
وَوَردك العَذب يَشفى الجِسم مِن سَقم

13. Come! Your servant's audacity has surpassed
Acceptance, and his measures have increased in knowledge

١٣. هَب اِن عَبدِكَ قَد فاقَت جَريرَتِه
رَضوى وَأَربَت مَساويه عَلى العِلم

14. Has it not been said: the best of people are those who pardon
And the best of manners are to forgive faults

١٤. أَلَيسَ قَد قيلَ خَيرُ الناسِ عاذَرَهُم
وَأَحسَن الخَلقِ مِن يَعفو عَن اللَمم

15. Your word remains ever just and upright
And never ceases to guide rightly with wisdom

١٥. لا زالَ قَولُكَ قَسطاسا وَمَعدَلة
وَلا بَرِحَت تَقودُ الرُشد بِالحُكم

16. And this is praise walking with awe
And gesture suffices over speech

١٦. وَهذِه مَدح تَمشى عَلى وَجَل
وَفي الاِشارَة ما يَغنى عَنِ الكَلم

17. For it, though afflicted with an eye disease that spread its pain to the eyelids
When people complain of sick eyes

١٧. وَلَها وَقَد أَصابَها رَمد سَرى أَلمه في الجفون
اِذا شَكَت الوَرى سَقم العُيون

18. I refused to complain of the pain of eyelids
I refused like an overwhelmed lover, an affliction and love

١٨. فَأَبى أَشتَكي أَلَم الجُفون
أَبيت كَواله أَضناه وَجد

19. I call out from my eyelids, from my eyelids
But no eyelid obeys me, so cry

١٩. أَنادى مِن جُفوني مِن جُفوني
فَلا جِفن يُطاوِعُني فَاِبكَى

20. Nor is there patience with which I can remove my anguish

٢٠. وَلا صَبر أُزيلَ بِهِ شُجوني