1. The goodness of loyalty and the truth of love are stricken down
And find desolation through my betrayal and perfidy.
١. حسن الوَفاء وَصدق الود قَد صرعا
وَاستَوحشا بِفياني الغَدرِ وَاِنصَدَعا
2. Both suffer from an illness beyond remedy -
Grief for what is right and just since they were cast aside.
٢. كِلاهُما مِن سِقام لا مساس لَهُ
حُزنا عَلى الحَقِّ وَالاِنصافِ مُذ رَفَعا
3. Yet I see that healing lies in patience,
And patience, best of all I try, is fruitless.
٣. وَقَد رَأَيت الشَفا بِالصَبرِ مُمتَزِجا
وَالصَبرُ اِحمد ما اِجدى وَما نَفَعا
4. So make use of patience, for patience falls
Gently on hearts wherever patience lands.
٤. فَاِستَعمِل الصَبرَ اِنَّ الصبر موقعه
من القُلوبِ جَميل أَينَما وَقَعا
5. O masters, left behind when we were parted,
Answer the call of one who loves with longing.
٥. يا سادَة خلفوني بَعد فرقتهِم
اِهفو اِلى كل داعِ بِالغَرامِ دَعا
6. Remote from the radiance of your faces, I'm hurt,
And your disdain has severed my heart with a cut.
٦. قَد ضَرَّني البُعد عَن مِرآة طلعتِكُم
وَقطع القُلوبِ منى صدكم قَطعا