1. With a thousand welcomes, hello my tongue
And greetings, said my heart in its garden
١. بِأَلفيْ مَرحبا حَيا لِساني
وَأَهلا قالَ في صَدري جَناني
2. Return, my nightingale, and be happy
Indeed, happiness has returned after longing
٢. فَعودى يا أَويقاني وَهنى
لَقَد عادَ الهَنا بَعد التَواني
3. And oh, how sweet is peace to the era of peace
The mirror of sights has adorned my eyes
٣. وَيا حلو السَلام لعهد سلمى
صفت لِلعَينِ مِرآة العَيان
4. So whoever makes me happy with their eyes
The light of the eye has returned with wishes
٤. فَمن هنى يَهنيني بِعَيني
فَنور العَينِ عاد مَعَ الاِماني
5. For your rising, homesickness made me see you
It greeted you with the honey of intimacy from me
٥. وَها اِنسانُها يا آلُ ودى
لطلعتكم بِنور الشَوق رَآني
6. So congratulate with safety and security
My heart used to be bright lanterns
٦. يَحييكم بِشَهد الاِنس عَنّي
فَهَنّوا بِالسَلامَةِ وَالاِمانِ
7. Yearning for their light, and it suffers for them
My life is in my greetings to the light
٧. لَوامع نيرات كان قَلبي
لِشَوق ضِيائِها وَلَها يُعاني
8. With the water of its life it quenched me in the morning
My bliss, my blessing, solace of my beloved
٨. حياتي في تحياتي لنور
بِماء حَياته صبحا سَقاني
9. My guide, my mentor, the ways of congratulations
With your absence and what I endured in it
٩. نَعيمي نِعمَتي عَزى عَزيزي
دَليلي مُرشِدي سُبل التَهاني
10. And what I suffered from grievous sorrows
And your loss which destroyed my existence
١٠. ببعدك وَالَّذي كابدت فيهِ
وَما لاقيت من ضيم دَهاني
11. And cast my eyes in its absence
My joy at the reunion and the bliss of my nearness
١١. وَغييتك الَّتي أَفنت وُجودي
وَأَلقَت في غِيابَتِها عَياني
12. Returned with your return, a second birth
I have silenced every wicked doctor
١٢. سُروري بِاللُقا وَنَعيم قُربي
اِعاد بِعودِكَ الميلاد ثاني
13. Who wasted his nonsense all this time
And they said he died, say they died of rage
١٣. لَقَد اِرغُمت كل طبيب سوء
أَضاع بهزَلِهِ طول الزَمانِ
14. For the intended came alive, he came to me
And renewed with the reunion the life of my soul
١٤. وَقالوا مات قُل موتوا بِغيظ
فَجل القَصد حَيا قَد أَتاني
15. I seek refuge for it in the verses of the Protector
So leave me, my friend, and friends leave
١٥. وَجدد بِالوِصالِ حَياة روحي
أَعوذُهُ بِآيات لِثاني
16. And we will line with kohl the eyelid of wishes
For the mirror of beauty and the face of the full moon
١٦. فَدَعني يا خَلى وَالخل تخلو
وَنكحل بِالثَنا جِفن الاِماني
17. Joseph the Second called me, he called me
And I have prepared what is in the palm
١٧. لِمِرآة الجَمالِ وَوَجه بَدر
دَعاني يوسُف الثاني دَعاني
18. For the one who gifted me a shirt of innocence
My beloved, with what He gave you light
١٨. وَقَد اِعددت ما في الكُف طرا
لِمَن بِقَميص برئي قَد حَباني
19. With which you guide as you wish my effort
And that light is from the niche of grace
١٩. حَبيبي بِالَّذي اِعطاكَ نورا
تَقودُ بِهِ كَما تَرضى عَنائي
20. With it, He guided me to the path of my goal
If it probed my heart with fire
٢٠. وَذاكَ النورُ مِن مشكاة فَضل
بِهِ لِسَبيل مَقصودي هَداني
21. With which it burns my thorns
And were it not for patience, I would have given my soul
٢١. لِقَلبي اِن سَلاكَ صَلى بِنار
بِها تَكوى حَشاشاتي بِناني
22. For one who lived in your nearness and intimacy
And I did not begrudge it life out of love
٢٢. وَلَولا الصَبر جِدت بِبَذل روحي
لِمَن حَيا بِقُربِكَ وَالتَداني
23. And the life of man, however long, is fleeting
Months have passed in affliction
٢٣. وَلَم أَبخَل بِها حبا لِعَيش
وَعَيش المَرءِ مَهما طالَ فاني
24. Suffering from your separation what it suffers
But I wanted to live so that
٢٤. وَقَد مَرَّت عَلى المَضنى شُهور
يُعاني مِن فُراقِكَ ما يُعاني
25. I can see you as you see others see me
So O you who tasted the shame of separation
٢٥. وَلكِنّي وددت العَيش كيما
أَراكَ كَما تَرى غيري تَراني
26. And O you who suffered longing, my misery
Do you think love can be abandoned?
٢٦. فَيا مَن قَد بلوت بعار خل
وَيا مَن قَد شَقى شَوقا سَلاني
27. So speak the truth, my eloquence will guide you
I die and my eyelid will see you, my beloved
٢٧. أَبعذ الحب تَرى أَم يُواري
فَقول الصِدق يَهديكُم بَياني
28. And He forgives my slip, whoever sees me
I extended in supplication the palms of my praise
٢٨. أَموتُ وَمُقلَتي تَرآى عَزيزي
وَيَغفِرُ زِلَّتي مَن قَد يَراني
29. For the One who graciously provides my grasp
When the doctor despaired and abandoned me
٢٩. بَسطت بِالاِبتِهال أَكف حَمدي
لِمَن بِاللُطفِ عَن كَف وِقائي
30. With His power, He blessed me with what I hope for
And I cannot fully express my gratitude
٣٠. اِذا يَئِسَ الطَبيبُ وَكل عَنّي
بِقُدرَتِهِ بِما أَرجو حَباني
31. If my limbs spoke, they would precede my tongue
I will plead misery for every friend
٣١. وَلَستُ بِبالِغ مِقدار شُكري
لَوان جَوارِحي سَبَقتُ لِساني
32. For one who as long as I live, healed me
٣٢. سَأَضرَعُ بِالشَقاءِ لكل خل
لِمَن ما دُمتُ عائِشَة شَفاني