1. The lips testified to the sweetness of healing
So believe in giving some favor to the wise
١. شَهد الشَفاه حلا بِطيب شفاء
فَاِمنُن بِبَعض المَن لِلحُكَماء
2. And suffice you the reward if it enriches them
From every beneficial medicine and remedy
٢. وَكَفاك أَجر لمك اِن يَغنيهمو
عَن كُل طب نافِع وَدَواء
3. And suffice you the reward of your mouth's pleasure if it
Is the water of life and elevates aspirations
٣. وَكَفاك اِجر رِضاب ثَغرِكَ اِنَّهُ
ماء الحَياةِ وَرافِعُ اللأواء
4. Indeed, the beautiful one has gifted you his beauty
So believe and do not be stingy with the generous one
٤. اِن الجَميلَ لَقَد حَباكَ جَميلُه
فَاِمنُن وَلا تَبخل بِذي النُعماء
5. And if the passionate youth comes to you
His sighs are a kind of burning
٥. وَاِذا أَتاكَ الصَب مُلتَهِب الحَشا
زَفَراتُهُ ضرب من الرمضاء
6. And you see his fervor has overcome him
Yearning for that distant sweet nectar
٦. وَرَأَيت لَوعَتِهِ عَلَيهِ تَغَلَّبَت
شَوقا اِلى ذاكَ الرَحيق النائي
7. So believe in granting him a sip or breath
From Luqman's soul to kindle hope
٧. فَاِمنُن عَلَيهِ بِرِشفَة اِو نَفحَة
مِن روحِ لُقمان يَفز بِرَجاء
8. And if you see love has weakened his strength with the agony of passion
Give him iron morsels generously
٨. وَاِذا رَأَيتَ الحُب مِن أَلَم الجَوى
هد القوى بِشَدائِد البُأَساءِ
9. From your heart that is dry of all acceptance
For God's sake, O hard eyebrows that
٩. عاطيهِ سلفات الحَديد تكرما
مِن قَلبِكَ الجافي بِكُل رِضاء
10. Have wrongfully slain many martyrs
You may be astonished at the strangeness of their words
١٠. لِله در قسي حاجِبك الَّتي
كَم جَندَلَت ظُلما مِن الشُهَداء
11. That the happy thrower shoots his arrows
So for the sake of those sleepy ones and what
١١. قَد تُهت عَجبا في غَرابَةِ قَولِهِم
اِنَّ الرَشا الرامي مِن السُعَداء
12. Makes my insides silent but their vigilance
I leaned towards the heart of a deprived lover
١٢. فَبِحَق تِلكَ الناعِسات وَما لَها
مِن يَقَظَة أَصمت بِها أَحشائي
13. The warmth of love, I am deprived indeed
How I ransom you with the sweetness of my willing life
١٣. اِلّا عَطَفت عَلى فُؤاد مُتيم
دَنف الحَشاد اِنّي المحبة نائي
14. From every harm I have tasted and fatigue
O how often my misfortunes clashed with you
١٤. كَم أَفتديك بحلو عمري راضيا
مِن كُلِّ بَاس ذُقته وَعَناء
15. And I lowered my garment covering my blood
So by the one who shed the blood of the family of love with
١٥. يا طالَما صادَمت فيكَ عَواذِلي
وَسدلت ثَوبي ساتِرا لِدِمائي
16. Good acceptance and your love is my allegiance
Do not be stingy with the ointment of closeness which
١٦. فَبِمَن أَراق دِماء آل الحب مَع
حُسن الرِضا وَحباك أَمر وَلائي
17. Is the utmost of my medicine and essence of my remedy
And show kindness to the youth who ransomed you with his soul
١٧. لا تَبخَلَن بمرهم القربِ الَّذي
هُوَ منتهى طبي وَعَين دَوائي
18. My Creator guides you to fulfill my allegiance
١٨. وَاِعطِف عَلى صب فَداك بِنَفسِهِ
يَهديكَ خلاقي لِحُسن وَفائي