
You desire a heart's seed though it is a pearl

تروم حبة قلب وهي لؤلؤة

1. You desire a heart's seed though it is a pearl
And the heart comes to you, longing with its seed

١. تَروم حبة قلب وَهي لؤلؤة
وَالقَلب آتيكَ مُشتاقاً بحبته

2. When the light of humanity narrated from you
It made above the heart so we narrate its beauty's rising

٢. لما حَكَت مِنكَ نور البشر قَد جَعَلت
فَوق الفُؤادِ لنحكى حسن طَلعَتِهِ

3. If you had desired my soul, it would have come hastily
To its refuge which it yearns to see

٣. لَو رَمت روحي لَجاءَت وَهي ساعِيَة
اِلى مُناها الَّذي تَهفو لِرُؤيَتِه