
Humankind made honey rivers flow through it

البشر أجرى بنبها أنهر العسل

1. Humankind made honey rivers flow through it
And victory shone clearly with Saudi success

١. البشر أَجرى بنبها أَنهر العَسل
وَالنَصر أَضحى بِتَوفيقِ السعود جَلى

2. The Khedive arrived, so his delightful light shone
Like the full moon in the dark, or the sun in Aries

٢. وافى الخديوي فَأَضحى نور بَهجَتِها
كَالبَدرِ في التم أَو كَالشَمسِ في الحَمل

3. And the land wore its best garments
Adorned in wondrous beauty and robes

٣. وَالاِرض قَد أَلبَسَت أَبها مَطارِقُها
وَازينت في بَديع الحلى وَالحلل

4. No land was watered by the rain of its leading clouds
Except it won the beauty of people and vegetation

٤. ما تم أَرض سَقاها غيث مقدمه
اِلّا وَفازَت بَزاهي الاِنس وَالجَذل

5. The rain drops rejoiced at his visit
And the people were certain of good fortune and hope

٥. تَهلل القطر بَشرا من زِيارَتِه
وَأَيقَن القَوم حُسن الفَوز بِالاِمل