1. My eyes are sacrificed for your eyes
And all the gold and jewels in the universe
١. فَدا لِلعَين مِني كُل عَين
وَما في الكَون من ذَهَب وَعين
2. I see the darkness has veiled my sight
And shed tears from all my eyes
٢. أَرى الظُلماء قَد حجبَت عياني
وَأَجرت مِن دُموعي كل عَين
3. And cast me into my prison like Joseph
And came between my joys and me
٣. وَأَلقتني بسجن يوسفىّ
وَحالَت بَينَ أَفراحي وَبَيني
4. And I swear if seeing you is realized
I will find in comfort what I see in torment
٤. وَأقسم اِن تحقق لي شَفاها
لجدت بِما أَرى في الراحتَين
5. For I have become in sorrow and moan
And my heart is between fatigue and where
٥. فَقَد أَصبَحت في حُزن وَأَن
وَقَلبي بَين اِتعاب وَأَين
6. And the dawn of youth did not gift me sleep
To an eye that fell captive to sadness
٦. وَما أَهدت صبا الاِسحار نَوما
اِلى عَين غَدَت في أَسر غين
7. It tosses my body in the sheets of illness
As if I am on the embers of hellfire
٧. يقلب في دثار السَقم جِسمي
كَأَني فَوق جمر الحرتين
8. Afflictions prolonged despite the promise
That gave me hope but now in it despair
٨. تخالفت الأساة بطول وَعد
بعللني وَيأس فيه حيني
9. And the rude one threatens me openly
With his drawn sword in both hands
٩. وَمن فظ يهددني جهارا
بمبضعه المصوب في اليَدين
10. And my pact with water is life to my soul
So why am I thirsty with the water of my eyes
١٠. وَعهدي بِالمياه حياة نَفسي
فَمالي قَد ظَمئت بماء عَيني
11. Oh God, what an arrow and wound
That strikes with every common and vile thing
١١. فَيا لِلَهِ أَي سَنا وَضوء
أُصيب بكل عادية وَشين
12. Did it go in the path of God and get wounded
And so tasted the injustice of Hussein?
١٢. فَهل هي في سَبيلِ اللَهِ غازَت
فَذاقَت بِاللُقا ظُلم الحسين
13. So I sleep every night depressed
With struggle between sleep and me
١٣. فَكَم أَمسى بِما أَلقى حَزينا
وَبَينَ النوم معترك وَبَيني
14. I stay up and my companion the bat at night
And my state with it is the worst of two states
١٤. أَبيت وَمؤنسى الخفاش لَيلا
وَحالي مَعه شر الحالتَين
15. That one is tired of the light in its eyes
While I grieve the veil on my two eyelids
١٥. فَذاك بنور عَينيه مهنا
وَلي أَسف بحجب المقلَتين
16. And I stretch out to the darkness my palms in woe
And am most miserable in the two darknesses
١٦. وَأَبسط لِلظَّلامِ أَكف بثى
وَأَشقى لوعَة بالظلمَتَين
17. You see me turning away from all light
So did I dispute the light of the two lights?
١٧. تَراني معرضا عن كل ضوء
فَهَل خاصَمت نور النيرَين
18. Youth flees from me so I flee from it
As if the light seeks me for a debt
١٨. يُنافرني السَنا فَأَفر مِنه
كَأَن الضوء يطلبني بدين
19. And I incline to the darkness with the swoon of passion
Drawing near to its beloved with the two eyelashes
١٩. وَأَجنح لِلظَّلامِ جنوح صب
دَنا لِحَبيبِه بِالرقمَتَين
20. May God reward sickness with the reward of good
For it has refined me and removed my impurity
٢٠. جَزى اللَهُ السِقام جزاء خير
فَقَد هذبنني ونَأَزلن ريني
21. And I have become with what I got from the nights
Distinguishing between one sincere and false
٢١. وَصرت بِما لقيت من اللَيالي
أَفرق بَين ذي صدق وَمين
22. My hopes were hindered and I was prevented from what
My soul and eyes incline towards its beauty
٢٢. حرمت مقاصدي َمنعت عما
تَميل لحسنه نفسي وَعَيني
23. When I wanted to scent myself with perfume one day
I placed my hand over my two eyebrows
٢٣. اِذا رمت اِنتِشاق الطَيب يَوماً
وَضعت يدي فوق الحاجبين
24. And enough of flirting, my book is sealed
And I leave talking with two griefs
٢٤. وَناهيكَ الطاء سجل كتي
وَتركي لِلحَديث بحسرَتين
25. And I have excused the pain and returned to hope
In the Healer of existence, Lord of the two dawns
٢٥. وَقَد عفت الأَساة وَعدت أَرجو
طَبيب الكون رب المَشرِقَين
26. My God, my Master, my aid, my hope
My protection, my recompense, Remover of my affliction
٢٦. الهي سيدي غوثى رَجائي
عياذي عدتي ومزيل بيني
27. I complain to the white paper because
The light of the two blacks has dried me today
٢٧. نعاني أَبيض القرطاس لما
جَفاني اليَوم نور الاسوَدين
28. And my inkwell has dried up while it weeps
At how long my absence has been
٢٨. وَقَد جفت دواتي وهي تَبكي
لما قد راعها من طول أَيني
29. And my pens, how they split because
I was deprived of touching them with two fingers
٢٩. وَأَقلامي كم انشقت لأني
حرمت مساسَها بِالاصبَعَين
30. Today I have become illiterate and must
Fulfill my religion without book arts
٣٠. غَدَوت اليَومَ أَميا وَعَلى
أَقضى من فُنون الكُتُب ديني
31. So my ignorance is a lesson and sickness another
And my eye has shown me two lessons
٣١. فجهلي عبرة وَالسَقم أَخرى
وَعَيني قَد أَرَتني العِبرَتَين
32. Why don't I eulogize my state with regrets
And my sighs rise to the two tombs
٣٢. فَلَم لا أَنعى بِالحَسراتِ حالي
وَتَعلو زفرتي لِلفرقَدين