
I asked the procession of lofty clouds

أسال مسلسل السحب العوالي

1. I asked the procession of lofty clouds
It quenched the people of Mecca and the highlands

١. أَسال مسلسل السَحب العَوالي
فَرَوى شَعب مكة وَالعَوالي

2. Have the horizons filled with eyes
So its spring drowned the mountain peaks?

٢. أَم الآفاق قَد مَلَئَت عُيونا
فَأَغرَقَ نَبعُها شَم الجِبال

3. Or is Al-Abbas among a thirsty people
Who begged with humiliation and supplication?

٣. أَم العَباس في قَوم عطاش
قَد اِستَسقوا بِذل وَاِبتِهال

4. I knew the rain would revive every soul
And bring the self to life with pure water

٤. عَهَدت الغَيثَ يُنعِش كُل روح
وَيَحي النَفس بِالماء الزَلال

5. The water of my eyes has overflowed and my ship of longing
Has not come near me from your generosity of union

٥. طَغا ماءَ الجُفون وَما دنت بي
سَفين الشَوق من جودى الوِصال

6. And I have become in a deep sea
Of darkness, exhausted of fatigue

٦. وَقَد أَصبَحت في بَحر عَميق
مِنَ الظُلَماء مَجهود المَلال

7. I lost my way in the night of my sickness
To you, my masters, so save me from my misguidance

٧. ضَللت بِلَيل اِسقامى طَريقى
اِلَيكُم ساداتي فَاِنعوا ضَلالي

8. I spent with you bright nights
Yet how have these nights darkened

٨. قَضيت بِكُم لَيالي مُقمِرات
فَلَم قَد أَظلَمت هذي اللَيالي

9. And time was turning toward us
And here it is, closing its eyelids, saying enough

٩. وَكانَ الدَهرُ مُلتَفتا اِلَينا
وَها هُوَ مُغمِض الاِجفان قالى

10. If my eyes weep over a person
Who tomorrow is in the prison of illness and detention

١٠. فَلَوا أَسفى عَلى اِنسان عيني
غَدا في سِجن سَقم وَاِعتِقال

11. His imprisonment has veiled him from every friend
And I have become addressing imaginary pictures

١١. حَجبت بِسِجنِهِ عَن كُل خل
وَصِرت مُخاطِبا صور الخَيال

12. O you of the eyes, my soul is sacrificed for you
The return of your light is easy for every precious thing

١٢. أَاِنسان العُيون فَدتك روحي
يَهون لِعود نورِكَ كل غالي

13. Are you pleased with distance from my familiar eye?
Does the narrowness of space harm your determination?

١٣. أَتَرضى البُعد عَن عَيني أَليف
أَضر بِعَزمِهِ ضيق المَجال

14. You have killed my whispering fears and terrors
The thoughts of my mind have preoccupied me

١٤. أَذَبتَ حَشاشَتي فَزعا وَرَوعا
شَغلت باسوا البلبال بالى

15. To whom has he made the eyes the best refuge
For protecting you, O beautiful one of perfection

١٥. بِمَن جَعَل العُيونَ أَجل مَأوى
لِحِفظِكَ أَيُّها الباهي الجَمال

16. My life after being away from you, I do not see it
Except as intoxication, heavy sorrows

١٦. حَياتي بَعد بعدك لا أَراها
سِوى سَكرات نَزعات ثِقال

17. And how can I prepare for myself a soul that hopes
While the sun of the soul has declined to setting

١٧. وَكَيفَ أَعد لي روحا ترجى
وَشَمس الروح مالَت لِلزَّوال

18. With the separation of the Separator I became youth
Reciting verses at every recitation

١٨. غَدَوت بِفُرقَة الفُرقانِ صَبا
أَسايل في التِلاوَةِ كل تال

19. And had I not memorized half of it
My heart would have melted from my burning

١٩. وَلَولا أَن حفظ النصف مِنه
شَفى قَلبي لَذُبت مِن اِشتِعالي

20. By my life, speech gives life to my soul
And rests my mind and my breath inclines to it

٢٠. لَعُمري لِلحَديثِ حَياة روحي
وَراحَة مُهجَتي وَنَفيس مالي

21. And how many pearls in jurisprudence have adorned
My intellect and the pearls of my clouds

٢١. وَكَم في الفِقه مِن دُرَر تحلت
بِها فِكري وَمن درر غَوالي

22. I touched the books passionately
And my longing from my bad state has worn out

٢٢. أَمس الكتب من شغفي عَلَيها
وَاِبلى حَسرَة من سوء حالي

23. And I complain to my mind, alive, because
I am deprived of the wonders of lawful magic

٢٣. وَأَندُب مُهجَتي حَيا لِأَنّي
حُرِمت بَدائِع السِحر الحَلال

24. My right hand touches the Noble Scripture
While I have placed my left hand on my heart

٢٤. تمس المُصحَف الاِسمي يَميني
وَقَد وَضَعتُ عَلى قَلبي شَمالي

25. And I recite it for the sake of your verses
And I have no might nor money but it

٢٥. وَأَنشِدُهُ لآيك طال شَوقي
وَمالي غَيرُها عَز وَمالي

26. Your words in life, and after my death
And on the Day of Loss and Dispute

٢٦. كَلامَكَ في الحَياةِ وَبَعد مَوتي
وَفي يَوم التَغابُن وَالجِدال

27. Are my nourishment, my comfort, my light, my friend
My guide, my joy, my hope, my perfection

٢٧. غِذائي راحَتي نوري أَنيس
دَليلي بِهجتي أَملي كَمالي

28. Being parted from you has prevented me from every purpose
And the flavor has passed for all my states

٢٨. فُراقُكَ صدني عَن كُل قَصد
وَقَد مَرَّ المَذاق لِكل حالي

29. So how can I seek profit after today
When my days have gone with my capital?

٢٩. فَكَيفَ أَرومُ بَعدَ اليَومَ ربحا
وَأَيّامي ذَهَبنَ بِرَأس مالي

30. But I see in patience a cure
And kohl of separation is beauty of compliance

٣٠. وَلكِنّي أَرى في الصَبرِ طبي
وَمُكحلة الجَلا حُسن اِمتِثالي

31. So O you of the eye that has been veiled from me
And replaced me with prolonged tedium

٣١. فَيا اِنسان عَين غابَ عَنها
وَبدلني بِه طول المَلال

32. I hope to meet you happy and well
And become reciting my pure wish

٣٢. عَسى أَلقاكَ مُبتَهِجا مُعافى
وَأَصبِح مُنشَدا أَملى صَفا لي

33. That my eyelid may delight in the radiance of a beloved
Of beautiful perfection and praised union

٣٣. لِتَهنَأ مُقلَتي بسنا حَبيب
بَديع الحُسن مَحمود الوِصال

34. And I compose my letters like pearls as a necklace
With which the cheek of scriptures has returned my state

٣٤. وَاِنظُم أَحرفي كَالدر عَقدا
بِهِ جيد الصَحائِفِ عاد حالي

35. For my Lord is Capable, Kind, Merciful
He will answer my lofty request with His Sublime Bounty

٣٥. فَربي قادِرٍ برّ رَحيم
يُجيب بِفَضلِهِ السامي سُؤالي