1. The suns of good fortune shone in the regions,
And the bride of humankind appeared to sights.
١. لاحَت شُموسُ السَعد بِالاِقطار
وَجلت عَروس الاِنس لِلابصار
2. Egypt rejoiced at his arrival,
The best of manners, the essence of lights.
٢. وَاِستَبشَرَت مِصر المُنى بِقُدومِهِ
حُسن الخَلائِقِ غرة الاِنوار
3. How long has its dawn been adorned with luxury,
Since it was bare of the sun of great deeds?
٣. كَم ذا توشح بِالدجنة صُبحها
مُذ كانَ مِن شَمس المَكارِمِ عارى
4. If the lands had a mouth, it would say "Welcome!"
Good tidings of my might and orbit!
٤. لَو لِلدِّيارِ فَم لقالَت مَرحَبا
بُشرى بِنير عزتي وَمدارى
5. Your state, which is the crown of my hopes
And the apple of my pride, has come with glad tidings.
٥. قَد أَقبَلَت بِالبِشر دَولَتك الَّتي
هِي تاج آمالي وَعَين فُخارى
6. You remain a full moon crowned with fortune
As long as no branch stirs in the breeze of dawn.
٦. لازِلت بَدرا بِالسُعود متوجا
ما اِهتَزَّ غُصن في صبا الاِسحار