1. I did not expect such passion from a slave,
Nor did I know of a state he had before being tamed.
١. ما كُنتُ أَعهد ما بِالعَبدِ مِن أَسَف
وَلا أَعي فيهِ حالا كانَ قَبل خَفي
2. Until I tossed in the embers of his burning,
And I became, because of what I encountered, excusing my past.
٢. حَتّى تَقَلَّبت في أَحصاب حَرقَتِهِ
وَصِرتُ مِمّا ألاقى عاذِرا سلفى
3. No wonder the youth comes with your blow,
And whenever the tender ones swoon with love, they sigh.
٣. لا غرو اِن الصِبا يَأتي بِنَفحَتِكُم
وَكُلَّما مراغدو بِالغَرامِ هفى
4. And I did not get from the morning breeze a single
Breath to heal my heart from sadness and fervor.
٤. وَلَم أَنَل مِن نَسيم الصُبحِ لي أَربا
يَشفى فُؤادي مِن التَسهيدِ وَالشَغف
5. When I despaired and my wishes were not fulfilled,
The judge of love healed me with a breath from your love.
٥. لِما يَئِست وَلَم يَسمَح لململتي
قاضي الهَوى بِنَشيق من هَواك شَفى
6. I contended with every playful breeze about you
And rebuked it with the image of desperate life.
٦. خاصَمت كل نَسيم فيكَ مبتَكرا
وَعفته بِخَيال مائِس الهيف
7. I secluded myself in seclusion and secluded with it
The seclusion of my chest from sorrows and passions.
٧. خلوت لِلخل خلواتي وَخلت بِها
خلو صدري من اللوعات وَاللَهف
8. I denied the sweetness of the meadows waiting
And how often I complained with a fluttering heart.
٨. نَفيت طيب الكَرى لِلقَدِّ مُنتَظِرا
وَكَم شَكَوت بِقَلب خافِق رَجف
9. What an image that deceived me and went far,
And it hurt me with the arrow of prose and malice!
٩. فَيا لَهُ مِن خَيال غَرَّني وَنَأى
وَقَد رَماني بِسَهم السَهد وَالكَلف
10. Your appearance in my eyes is a daily event morning and evening
So do not be stingy towards the mirror with it.
١٠. مَياس قَدك عِندي غَدوَة وَمسا
فَلا تَضن بِمرآه عَلى الدَنف
11. The heat of my congratulations, passion, and burning blood
Spreads in the valley of modesty from anyone other than you hidden.
١١. حر التَهاني وَوجدى وَاِحتِراق دمى
يَفيح وادي الغَضا عَمَّن سِواكَ خفى
12. When I saw what they do not see,
O Cupbearer! Do not rush to my ruin.
١٢. لما بَصرت بِما لا يَبصرون بِهِ
يا سامِرى فَلا تَعجَل عَلى تلفى
13. And return the self, I have gone astray with it
Away from other than you, so I did not stop or stand still.
١٣. وَراجِع النَفسَ اِنّي قَد ضَلَلتُ بِها
عَمّا عَداكَ فَلَم أُبرِح وَلَم أَقف
14. So he said to me with a smile from his smiles,
"O believer of the heart! Do not fear or worry."
١٤. فَقالَ لي بِاِبتِسام من مُباسَمه
يا مُؤمِن القَلبَ لا تَحذَر وَلا تَخَف
15. "You were nothing but a fanciful illusion I met,
From me, sadness gains nothing but malice."
١٥. ما كُنتَ اِلّا خَيالا مَعفوى لقا
لا يَستَفيدُ الشَجى مِنّي سِوى الكَلف