1. The ship of the eye has escaped drowning
And shone, becoming more beautiful, from the coast of the eyelid
١. سفينة العَين قَد فازَت مِن الغَرَق
وَأَشرَقَت تَزدَهي مِن ساحِل الحَدق
2. It passed magnificently, untouched by dust
Its appearance transparent, in the best form
٢. مرت مَشيدَة ما مَسَّها لغب
شَفاف منظرها في أَحسن النَسق
3. And its laughing light appears, its nails
As the dawn of morning breathed from the horizon
٣. وَنورُها ضاحِك تَبدو نَواجِذه
لِما تَنفس صُبح الصَحو عَن شَفَق
4. Love has gathered the beloved it protects
From the wicked, by the Lord of the light and daybreak
٤. قَد ضم بِالشَوق مَحبوا يعوّذه
من الوُشاة برب النور والفَلَق
5. So O rulers of love in your sincerity my passion
As I from the madness of ecstasy have not yet awoken
٥. فَيا وُلاة الهَوى في صِدقِكُم شَغفي
اِذ أَنَّني مِن ذُهول الوجد لَم أَفِق
6. With the Kaaba of beauty I see a human being so radiant
My eyes which for so long were lost in the darkness
٦. بكَعبَة الحُسن اِنسانا أَرى فَلَوا
عَيني الَّتي طالَما ضَلَّت من الغَسق
7. And let me know, my dear human, of purity and affection
For a desperate lover separated by sadness
٧. وَخبروني أَاِنساني صفا وَدَنا
لِمُستَهام رَماه البَين بِالأَرق
8. Yes, with the tidings of meeting our souls give you solace
And he whom you love has come near, so awaken
٨. نعم ببشر اللقا تَهديك أَنفُسَنا
وَقَد دَنا وَصَل مَن تَهواهُ فَاِستَفِق
9. Greetings, my light, so gentle in description
After my despair and prolonged fear and separation
٩. أَهلا بِنورِ عُيون راق لي وَصفا
من بعد يَأسي وَطول الخَوف وَالفرق
10. With what words can I greet him and his dignity
Has triumphed, and did not attain for one hurrying
١٠. فَيا تَحيات برء شهدها بِفَمي
حلى مَرارَة تَسهيدي مِنَ القَلَق
11. But the conscience of congratulations is not hidden
And the light of my familiarity appeared to people like the dawn
١١. بِأى قَول أَحييه وَعِزَّتُه
عَزت مَنالا فَلَم تُدرِك لِمُستَبِق
12. And this sprinkling, since the beauty of its rise
Its dwellings were the blinking of the eyelid
١٢. لكن ضَمير التَهاني غَير مُستَتِر
وَنور أُنسي بَدا لِلنّاسِ كَالفَلق
13. You, my redeemed eyes, I have found with you
God does not forsake the abundant kindness
١٣. وَذا الرَشا مُذ نَشافى حُسن طَلعَتِهِ
كانَت مَنازلُه شَفاقَة الحَدق
14. I have accepted the poison in my sickness and
My nights have left me in need of every misery
١٤. اِنسان عَيني المُفَدّى أَنتَ لحت بِها
لا أَوحش اللَهُ من اِحسانِكَ الغَدق
15. I do not complain of my pain except to he who
In every injustice remained with eyes shedding tears
١٥. آليت لِما سَقيت السم في سَقمى
وَأَحوَجَتني لَياليهِ لكُل شَقى
16. And you were granted with a light derived from you
My right hand shone and truth was behind me
١٦. لا أَشتَكي لَوعَتي اِلّا لِمَن هُوَ لي
في كُل ضيم بِالعُيونِ بَقى
17. The nights of my affliction turned from passion and hope
And carried burdens upon my neck
١٧. وَقَد مُنِحتَ بِنور مِنكَ مُقتَبَس
بَرت يَميني وَكانَ الصدق من خلفي
18. They led my reins to the cave of sickness and leaned
At its door for months, I could not bear it
١٨. ملت لَيالي مصابى من جَوى وَأَما
وَحملتني أَثقالا عَلى عُنُقي
19. As if it were harm that harmed it, in nearness to you
So it crossed the worst roads
١٩. قادَت زَمامي لِكَهف السَقم وَاِستَنَدَت
بِبابِهِ أَشهَرا طالَت فَلَم أَطق
20. Does it intend to purify the hatred of its concealment
With tears pouring from the depths
٢٠. كَأَنَّها ضُرَّة قَد ضَرَّها رَفهي
بِالقُربِ مِنكَ فَجابَت اِسوَأ الطُرُق
21. When I cried for the grace of God, he made easy for me
Kohl of patience that relieved me of anxiety
٢١. فَهَل نَوَت طهر أَحقادِ تَواريها
بِسُبُل دَمع مِن الآماق مندَفِق
22. May God return to you the light of the two tender ones
Without you, a guide never brought certainty
٢٢. لِما اِستَغَثت بِفَضل اللَهِ يسرلي
اِكحال صَبر أَقالَتني مِن القَلَق
23. How my bone was shattered by sickness leaving me
Crushed, to the eyes of the eye weeping
٢٣. وَرَدك اللَهُ نور المُقلَتَين عَلى
صَب بِغَيرِكَ هاد قَط لَم يَثِق
24. How I said in my tribulation, O Lord, take my hand
And heal my illness, and relieve the insomnia
٢٤. كَم دق عَظمي بِاِسقام تُغادِرُني
كاثمد لِعُيون العَينِ منسحق
25. So with gratitude I acknowledged the small ones
To my Creator, the two moons did not clear on the horizon
٢٥. كَم قُلت في مِحنَتي يا رَب خُذ بِيَدي
وَاِكشِف سَقامي وَجد بِالنَومِ للارق
٢٦. فَبِالصَغيرَين أَهدى الشُكر مُعتَرِفا
لِخالِقي ما صَفا البَدران بِالافق