1. The morning light shone and divine aid was revealed,
And for us the verses of ascension were recited with success.
١. لاحَ السُعود وَأَسفَر التَفويق
وَتَلا لَنا سور العُلا تَوفيق
2. The number of the jurist is inscribed on the tablet of guidance,
Come, for with you as a companion there is success.
٢. رقم الفقيه لَهُ عَلى لَوحِ الهُدى
أَقبَل فَاِنَّكَ لِلنَّجاحِ رَفيق
3. And recite the book of Allah, majestic is His glory,
For it is splendid and truly deserving of praise.
٣. وَاِقرَأ كِتابَ اللّهِ جَل ثَناؤُه
فَهُوَ المَجيد وَبِالثَناء حِقيق
4. The spirit of existence descended upon the giver of good news,
Guiding mankind to righteousness and leading the way.
٤. روح الوُجودِ عَلى البَشيرِ مَنزِل
يَهدي اِلى الرُشدِ الوَرى وَيَسوق
5. So aid him, O Lord, to attain the highest summit,
For with your support as a companion, there is success.
٥. فَأَعِنهُ يا رَبّ عَلى دَرك العُلا
فَالنَجح حَيثُ العَون مِنكَ رَفيق
6. And let us believe in the triumph of those present, for all of them
Are destined by your good pleasure and intimate bond to obtain a share.
٦. وَاِمنُن بِفَوزِ الحاضِرينَ فَكلهم
بِنَوالِ حَظ مِن رِضاكَ وَثيق
7. And mend through your forgiveness and pleasure whatever withered
Of the thickets blooming in the gardens and meadows.
٧. وَاِجبِر بِعَفوِكَ وَالرِضا من أَنشَأت
ما اِخضَرَّ مِن دوحِ الرِياضِ وَربق
8. She pleaded, extending begging hands,
“O Lord, complete for us divine aid.”
٨. قالَت وَقَد بَسَطَت أَكف ضراعة
يا رَب فَليُكمِل لَنا التَوفيق
9. “Through your beloved guide may we attain pleasure
As long as you live, Aisha, and the morning gleams.”
٩. بحبيبك الهادي تبلغنا الرِضا
ما دمت عائِشة وَلاح بَريق