
O my heart, windows have become rent asunder

أيا كبدي طارت صدوعا نوافذا

1. O my heart, windows have become rent asunder
And o my regret, what has seeped into my heart?

١. أَيا كَبِدي طارَت صُدوعاً نَوافِذاً
وَيا حَسرَتي ماذا تَغَلغَلَ في القَلبِ

2. I swear the lids of my eyes are not awnings
Swaying with the wind, crouching atop my dome

٢. فَأُقسِمُ ما غُمشُ العُيونِ شَوارِفٌ
رَوائِمُ بَوٍّ جاثِماتٌ عَلى سَقبِ

3. As if they'd sip it, if only they were able
When its ships repeat their way back the same way

٣. يُشَمِّمنَهُ لَو يَستَطِعنَ اِرتَشَفنَهُ
إِذا سُفنَهُ يَردُدنَ نَكباً عَلى نَكبِ

4. With more pain than the day when their burdens were lifted
And the first of the riders emerged from the pass

٤. بِأَوجَدَ مِنّي يَومَ زالَت حُمولُهُم
وَقَد طَلَعَت أولى الرِكابِ مِنَ النَقبِ

5. I have found all affairs' endings
Except for parting from loved ones, dire in tribulations

٥. كُلُّ مُلِمّاتِ الأُمورِ وَجَدتُّها
سِوى فُرقَةِ الأَحبابِ هَيِّنَةَ الخَطبِ