1. My she-camel completed a journey with a group from Mecca
Except for my hope in the glorious Ibn Hizam
١. قَضَت قُطُراً مِن أَهلِ مَكَّةَ ناقَتي
سِوى أَمَلي في الماجِدِ اِبنِ حِزامِ
2. The beautiful faced one from Quraysh, he is like
A crescent moon appearing from a drawer in the darkness
٢. جَميلُ المُحَيّا مِن قُرَيشٍ كَأَنَّهُ
هِلالٌ بَدا مِن سُدفَةٍ وَظَلامَ
3. So treat kindly his offspring - the family of Muhammad
And the family of Ali - listen to my words
٣. فَأَكرِم بِنَسلٍ مِئكَ بَني مُحَمَّدٍ
وَبَني عَلِيٍّ فَاِسمَعَنَّ كَلامِيَ
4. And the family of Hakim and Zubayr, I do not see
Any resemblance to them in glory and ambition
٤. وَبَني حَكيمٍ وَالزُبَيرِ وَلا أَرى
لَهُم شَبَهاً في مُنجِدٍ وَتَهامى
5. A noble branch rode him, white Baidaa
A stallion, and some mothers are infatuated
٥. تَمَطَّت بِهِ بَيضاءَ فَرعُ نَجيبَةٌ
حَصانٌ وَبَعضُ الوالِداتِ غَرامُ