
God watered Jazan, so whoever untied its protector,

سقى الله جازانا فمن حل وليه

1. God watered Jazan, so whoever untied its protector,
Every outpour and arrows and spears showered down,

١. سَقى اللَهُ جازاناً فَمَن حَلَّ وَليَهُ
فَكُلَّ مَسيلٍ وَمِن سَهامِ وَسُردَدِ

2. And the harvest of the house that settled there,
He watered it, quenching every meadow and plain.

٢. وَمَحصولَةَ الدارِ الَّتي خَيَّمَت بِهِ
سَقاها فَأَروى كُلَّ ريعِ وَفَدفَدِ

3. You, who tasked me with seeking goodness while traveling,
And made me pursue it-look where my pursuit has led!

٣. فَأَنتِ الَّتي كَلَّفَتني البِركَ شاتِياً
وَأَورَدتِنيهِ فَاِنظُري أَينَ مَورِدي

4. Oh how I regret that I did not rush when you told me-
"Go ahead of us, accompanying us to tomorrow's morning."

٤. فَوا نَدَما إِذ لَم أَعجُ إِذ تَقولُ لي
تَقَدَّم فَشَيِّعنا إِلى ضَحوَةِ الغَدِ

5. Whether you reside or comfort the eye, it
Will surely weep bitterly, so discharge me after I plead.

٥. تَكُن سَكَناً أَو تَقرَرِ العَينَ إِنَّها
سَتَبكي مِراراً فَاِسلُ مِن بَعدُ أَوجُدِ

6. Perhaps you will find a lover, and be satisfied
By seeing a graceful figure of one unadorned.

٦. لَعَلَّكَ أَن تَلقى مُحِبّاً فَتَشتَفي
بِرُؤيَةِ رِئمٍ بَضَّةِ المُتَجَرَّدِ

7. The abode of enmity did not come to it, except that
My soul frets for it, from anxiety and fervor.

٧. بِلادَ العُدى لَم تَأتِها غَيرَ أَنَّها
بِهاهَمُّ نَفسي مِن تَهامٍ وَمُنجِدِ

8. I did not make what was between Mecca my she-camel
To Al-Mirq except a dozing of one exerting effort.

٨. وَما جَعَلَت ما بَينَ مَكَّةَ ناقَتي
إِلى المِركِ إِلّا نَومَةَ المُتَجَهِّدِ

9. Nearing dawn, she almost tossed off her baggage
At the summit of the clamor of scattered cats.

٩. وَكادَت قُبَيلَ الصُبحِ تَنبِذُ رَحلَها
بِذَروَةَ مِن لَغطِ القَطا المُتَبَدِّدِ

10. By morning I was, from what was between me and it,
Nothing but the memory of it, like one grasping water in his hand.

١٠. فَأَصبَحتُ مِمّا كانَ بَيني وَبَينَها
سِوى ذِكرِها كَالقابِضِ الماءَ بِاليَدِ