1. Alas! My lonely heart clung closely, obstinately,
Yet did not commit itself to lasting love.
١. أَلا عُلِّقَ القَلبُ المُتَيَّمُ كَلثَما
لَجاجاً وَلَم يَلزَم مِنَ الحُبِّ مَلزَما
2. With her I left Mecca's valley after dusk prayers
When darkness filled the mosque and it grew dim.
٢. خَرَجتُ بَها مِن بَطنِ مَكَّةَ بَعدَما
أَصاتَ المُنادي بِالصَلاةِ فَأَعتَما
3. No late worshipper remained, no straggler lingered there
Through the long night until the darkness thinned.
٣. فَما نامَ مِن داعٍ وَلا اِرتَدَّ سامِرٌ مِ
نَ اللَيلِ حَتّى جاوَزَت بي يَلَملَما
4. Past Leith's steep valley the camels sped as though
They rushed to gain a share of morning spoil.
٤. وَمَرَّت بِبَطنِ اللَيثِ تَهوى كَأَنَّها
تُبادِر بِالإِصباحِ نَهباً مُقَسَّما
5. They crossed Bazwa's valley while the night spread wings
Over Bazwa, halting there to rest awhile.
٥. أَجازَت عَلى البَزواءِ وَاللَيلُ كاسِرٌ
جَناحَيهِ بِالبَزواءِ وَردا وَأَدهَما
6. They passed by Ashshan of Rauqah at dawn, no lip
Or eye sought water in the morning light.
٦. وَمَرَّت عَلى أَشَّطانِ رَوقَةَ بِالضُحى
فَما جَرَّرَت لِلماءِ عَيناً وَلا فَما
7. Scarce had the sun's first rays appeared when ahead
Loomed Aleppo's plain, radiant, decked in white.
٧. فَما ذَرَّ قَرنُ الشَمسِ حَتّى تَبَيَّنَت
بِعلبَت مَخلاً مُشرِقاً وَمُخَيَّما
8. No drinking-stop before, however thirsty, till
I turned the camels, fearing we might fail,
٨. وَما شَرِبَت حَتّى ثَنَيتُ زِمامَها
وَخِفتُ عَلَيها أَن نَجُنَّ وَتُكلَما
9. And said: "You could outstrip a less fine she-camel,
And Wadi Birk this morning wears a veil."
٩. فَقُلتُ لَها قَد تِعتِ غَيرَ ذَميمَةٍ
وَأَصبَحَ وادي البِركِ غَيثاً مُدَيَّما