1. They blame me for no fault I committed,
While another is to blame for the fault of which he is accused.
١. يَلومونَني في غَيرِ ذَنبٍ جَنَيتُهُ
وَغَيرِيَ في الذَنبِ الَّذي كانَ أَلوَمُ
2. Did I not trust people, believing them to be true friends?
Yet they went beyond us in talk and deceived.
٢. أَمِنّا أُناساً كُنتِ تَأتَمِنينَهُم
فَزادوا عَلَينا في الحَديثِ وَأَوهَموا
3. They attributed to us what we did not say, then multiplied
Accusations against us and divulged what I used to conceal.
٣. وَقالوا لَنا ما لَم نَقُل ثُمَّ كَثَّروا
عَلَينا وَباحوا بِالَّذي كُنتُ أَكتُمُ
4. My eye was hurt by the irritation of your separation
And it returned to blinking, so it is flowing with tears.
٤. وَقَد مُنِحَت عَيني القَذى لِفِراقُكُم
وَعادَ لَها تَهتانُها فَهيَ تَسجُمُ
5. I lost the taste for the pleasures of life
And my life was embittered while passion lies divided.
٥. وَأَنكَرتُ طيبَ العَيشِ مِنّي وَكُدِّرَت
عَلَيَّ حَياتي وَالهَوى مُتَقَسِّمُ
6. I sobered up from intoxication but I did not find among them
Either my love or the affection I used to know.
٦. وَصافَيتُ نَشواناً فَلَم أَرَ فيهِمُ
هَوايَ وَلا الوُدَّ الَّذي كُنتُ أَعلَمُ
7. Is it not awful that we are in a country
Where we are both living yet do not talk?
٧. أَلَيسَ عَظيماً أَن نَكونَ بِبَلدَةٍ
كِلانا بِها ثاوٍ وَلا نَتَكَلَّمُ
8. Do not blame me if you see me still loving you -
I admit to a sin, for indeed it is I who am unjust.
٨. وَلا تَصرِميني إِن تَرَيني أُحِبُّكُم
أَبوءٌ بِذَنبٍ إِنَّني أَنا أَظلَمُ