1. Your indifference - when you withheld affection - meant I saw
No tender companion to sit by me, no soothing melody.
١. أَعاتِكَ هَلّا إِذ بَخِلتَ فَلا تَرى
لذي صَبوَةٍ زُلفى لَدَيكِ وَلا رَقّى
2. You made a heart that loved you bitterly turn away,
And stilled dependents who can neither rest nor find peace.
٢. رَدَدتِ فُؤاداً قَد تَوَلّى بِهِ الهَوى
وَسَكَّنتِ عَيالا تَمَلُّ وَلا تُرقى
3. But you cast off my heart with promises and wishes,
Never have I seen from you generosity or sincerity.
٣. وَلكِن خَلَعتِ القَلبَ بِالوَعدِ وَالمُنى
وَلَم أَرَ يَوماً مِنكِ جوداً وَلا صِدقا
4. Do you forget my days wasting at your camp in misery,
Laid low in Damascus, sick, forsaken?
٤. أَتَنسَينَ أَيّامي بِرَبعِكِ مُدنَفاً
صَريعاً بَأَرضِ الشَأمِ ذا سَقَمٍ مُلقى
5. No friend will consent to a last bequest -
I call out for a drink to cure my sickness, but nothing slakes my thirst.
٥. وَلَيسَ صَديقٌ يَرتَضي لِوَصِيَّةٍ
وَأَدعو لِدائي بِالشَرابِ فَما أَسقى
6. My greatest sorrow: to see a messenger come from you -
So my days stretch long as I sit watching the roads.
٦. وَأَكبَرُ هَمّي أَن أَرى لَكِ مُرسَلاً
فَطولَ نَهاري جالِسٌ أَرقُبُ الطُرقا
7. Woe to my liver, since I have no council with you,
I complain to Him who decreed all this about your orbits and their course.
٧. فَوا كَبِدي إِذ لَيسَ لي مِنكِ مَجلِسٌ
فَأَشكوا لِذي بي مِن هَواكِبِ وَما أَلقى
8. I saw you grow more stubborn toward passion,
While my heart day by day grew more infatuated with you.
٨. رَأَيتُكِ تَزدادينَ لِلصَّبِّ غِلظَةً
وَيَزدادُ قَلبي كُلَّ يَومٍ لَكُم عِشقاً