1. Who are you from the red Mudar and Yemen
And why do your eyelids not tire of sin
١. مَن أنتَ مِن مُضرِ الحَمراءِ واليَمنِ
وما جُفُونكَ في الخَطِّية اللُّدُنِ
2. I never feared the living altogether
Yet I see you meet me and I fear you
٢. فلَم أكُن أرهبُ الحيَّينِ قاطِبةً
وقَد رأيتُكَ تَلقاني وترهَبُني
3. Your eyes do not sleep from killing me
So where did you rob me of my youth
٣. وَلَيسَ عَينُك عن قَتلي بنائِمةٍ
فأينَ ما سَلَبتنيهِ من الوسَنِ
4. You have possessed so advise good for it is a liver
And perhaps it hardened if you do not soften
٤. مَلكت فاستَوصِ خَيراً إنَّها كبدٌ
وربَّما غَلُظَت إن أنتَ لم تَلنِ
5. And often I walked while the young woman was virtuous
She says what I said and the paper is in the arts
٥. وطالَما سِرتُ والغَيداءُ في شَرفٍ
تَقولُ ما قلتُ والوَرقاءُ في الفَنَنِ
6. She confided in every heart around her and cried
So she entrusted it to passion in what bids me farewell
٦. خَلَت بكلِّ فؤادٍ حَولَها وبكَت
فأودَعَته الجَوى فيما يودِّعُني
7. And I am close to the house I hear it
And nothing exceeds what my ear comes to me
٧. وإنَّني لَقريبُ الدارِ أسمَعُها
ومَا يُجاوزُ ما تأتي به أُذُني
8. Hardness I wish it to me to confront me
I protect with it the pasture of the heart and the body
٨. قَساوَة لَيتها لي أن تعارضني
أحمِي بها مِنك مَرعَى القلب والبَدنِ
9. And the lord of a cup from the elephant I stood with it
Over anxieties in a place that is not entrusted
٩. وربَّ كأسٍ من الخُرطُومِ قمتُ بِها
على الهمُومِ مَقاماً غيرَ مُؤتَمَنِ
10. Yellow but its features
As if she stole it from the children of Hassan
١٠. صَفراءَ لكنَّها بِيضٌ شَمائِلُها
كأنَّما سَرَقَتها مِن بَني حَسَنِ
11. The descending on the rule of the chaste and if
They refused and did not accept a rule from time
١١. النَّازِلينَ على حُكمِ العُفاةِ وإن
عَزَّوا ولم يَقبَلوا حُكماً من الزَّمَنِ
12. And those who stand by what
Their fathers stood by the rights of glory and grace
١٢. والقائِمينَ بِما كانَت تقومُ به
آباؤُهم من حقُوقِ المَجدِ والمِنَنِ
13. In the evening they despised those who were dear to
Others selves that were valued and did not despise
١٣. أمسَت تهونُ عليهم مَن تعزُّ على
سِواهُمُ أنفسٌ عزَّت فلم تَهُنِ
14. So the people became without a reputation with the worthless
Feared upon and no money with hoarded
١٤. فأصبحَ القَومُ لا عِرضٌ بمُبتَذَلٍ
يُخشَى عليه ولا مالٌ بمُختَزَنِ