1. Stop, so you may see my precautions,
Secrets I have never revealed,
١. قِف فتبين عَلى احتيازي
سَرائِراً قطُّ لم أبِنها
2. An essence that has captivated me,
Then betrayed me, while I stayed true.
٢. ذاتُ دَلالٍ تَعلَّقَتني
فَخوَّنَتني ولم أخُنها
3. Describers do not know an end,
To it, nor can they grasp its essence.
٣. لا يَعرفُ الواصِفُونَ حَدّاً
لهَا ولا يُدركُونَ كُنها
4. She said to another - do you not see him
Command our sights and forbid?
٤. قالَت لأخرَى أما تَرَيهِ
يأمُر أبصارَنا ويَنهَى
5. When he sees a frowning moon,
Adorned with a frown, he turns from it.
٥. إذا رَأى مُقلةً لَجُوجاً
وسامَها الغضَّ غضَّ عَنها
6. How many tears have flowed from him
On cheeks softer than them.
٦. كم عَبراتٍ جَرَت عَليهِ
في وجناتٍ أرقَّ مِنها
7. And hearts will still suffer hardship from him
If God does not help them.
٧. وسَوفَ تَلقَى القلُوب جَهداً
مِنه إن اللَّه لم يُعِنها