
When did the barren hills become our ships

متى صارت الجرد المذاكي سفائنا

1. When did the barren hills become our ships
To wherever you wanted on land or in the stormy sea

١. مَتى صارَت الجُردُ المَذاكي سَفائِنا
لِما شِئتَ من برٍّ وبَحرٍ ضَوامِنا

2. And the Roman had such faith in the water a vessel
That horses passed by it while he was safe and secure

٢. ومِن ثقةِ الرُّومي بالماءِ مَركباً
يَفوتُ عَليه الخيلَ وافاكَ آمِنا

3. The winds came and drove it to you
It counts back to death, the villages and cities

٣. أعدَّ وجاءَتكَ الرِّياحُ تسُوقُه
يعدُّ إلى المَوتِ القُرى والمَدائِنا

4. And the news about you was continuous
Why could it not avail him to see

٤. وقد كانَت الأخبارُ عنكَ تَناصَرت
فما بالُها لم تُغنِه أن يُعايِنا

5. So he fooled you with frequent attack and retreat and he
Would withdraw frightened and attack grinning

٥. فأوهَمكُم كرّاً وفرّاً وإنَّه
ليُحجِمُ مرعُوباً ويُقدِمُ حائِنا

6. And the sea, your brother, was more worthy of casting him
To you even if he ended up residing by the sea

٦. وكانَ أخوكَ البَحرُ أولَى بقَذفه
إليكَ وإن أمسَى إلى البَحرِ ساكِنا

7. By God, when one trusts in Him if he is faithful
He is reputable even if he is a traitor

٧. فللَّهِ مَوثُوقاً به كانَ لَو وَفَى
ذَميماً ومَحموداً إذا كانَ خائِنا

8. You endured the burning wind until you left
Their souls before their bodies residence

٨. صَبرتَ لِلَفحِ النَّارِ حتَّى تَركتَها
لأرواحِهم قبلَ الجسُومِ مَساكِنا

9. And you thought every long-armed
When he stands one day for a fight, attacking

٩. وكلّ طَويلِ السَّاعِدَين تَظنُّهُ
إذا قامَ يَوماً للعِناقِ مُطاعِنا

10. When the loyal one straightened their unique one
You became the guarantor of victory before them

١٠. إذا الوفَويُّونَ استَقامَ فَريدُهم
أمامَهُمُ أصبحتَ لِلنَّصرِ ضامِنا