1. It does not behove you to treat your brother
As the merchants treat one another in what they say and describe
١. ما يَنبَغي لكَ أن تُجري أخاكَ عَلى
مَجرى التجارِ بِما قالوا وما وَصَفوا
2. What would remain of gentleness while he sees
Their wealth moving between them, coming and going
٢. ما كانَ يَبقَى عَلى الإِملاقِ وهوَ يَرى
أموالَهم بينَهم تَسعَى وتَختلِفُ
3. Were it not that procuring it from his assets
Would spare him having to carry and passion between people
٣. لَو لَم يَكُن يَقتَضيها من مَؤونَتِه
إلا لتَحملَ بَينَ الناس والشّغفُ
4. With every wrap that tears his cheeks
Blame pursues the length of his stature
٤. بكلِّ أغيَدَ إن خُطَّت بِوَجنَتِه
لامٌ تعقَّبها من قدِّه ألِفُ
5. Until the two conditions come about, souls do not despair
Of him until favor occurs
٥. حتَّى إِذا حَصلَ الحَرفان لا يَئِسَت
منه النُّفوسُ إِلى أَن يَحصُلَ اللطَفُ
6. So I reckon the people did not pay their alms tax
Thus I took them for what they had committed
٦. فأحسبُ القَوم لم يَأتوا زكاتَهم
فَما أخَذتُهُم إِلا بِما اقتَرفوا
7. Do you see me too weary to answer them?
Let me return upon them each time they cry out
٧. فهَل تَراني عَيِيّاً عَن جَوابهمُ
دَعني أردُّ عَليهم كلَّما هَتَفوا
8. And you know my expenditure and what I earn
The likes of this is but from the likes of excess
٨. وأنتَ تَعرفُ إِنفاقي ومُكتَسَبي
وإنَّما مثلُ ذا من مثل ذا سرفُ
9. I have no control except over what befalls you
Return it when destitute, secluding yourself
٩. ولستُ أملكُ إِلا ما وَقَعتَ به
أرددهُ أنتَ إذا أفلستَ تَعتَكِفُ