
If the stars of beautiful eyes were veiled

لئن حجبت نجل العيون وحورها

1. If the stars of beautiful eyes were veiled
In every body is its sickness and languor

١. لئِن حُجِبَت نُجلُ العُيونِ وحورُها
ففي كلِّ جسمٍ سقمُها وفتورُها

2. Beauties in it that are equally
From every lover striving to borrow them

٢. محاسنُ فيها وهيَ من كلِّ عاشِقٍ
مساوٍ وكلٌّ جاهِدٌ يَستَعيرُها

3. We complained to her of illness while she was sick
So why are we suffering what we asked her to save us from

٣. شَكونا إليها السقمَ وهي سَقيمةٌ
فما بالُنا مما بنا نستَجيرُها

4. And we have more right to shy from the gazelles
And she was not charged with that so why is she shying

٤. وإنا لأولى بالنفورِ من الظّبا
وما حُمِّلَت منه ففيمَ نفورُها

5. And when we divided the night in two halves
The dwelling of she who swerved from the eye its turn

٥. ولما قَسَمنا الليلَ قِسمَينِ قرَّبا
مَزارَ التي شَطَّت عنِ العينِ دورُها

6. To the right and to the left, either visiting it hereby
Or taking comfort thereby where it was

٦. سُرىً وكَرىً إما بِهذا تَزورُها
إلى حيثُ كانَت أو بِذا تَستَزيرُها

7. And forbidden with fasting every month
Thirty days then her months come

٧. وممنوعَةٍ بالصوم في كلِّ حجَّةٍ
ثلاثينَ يَوماً ثم تأتي شُهورُها

8. The soul of the youth craves her while she is harmful
So strange is the harmful one it does not change her

٨. تهيم بها نفسُ الفَتى وهي ضرَّةٌ
فيا عجباً من ضرَّةٍ لا تُغيرُها

9. And the text of the Book forbade her then we came
With making her lawful the text of passion and its guide

٩. وحرَّمَها نصُّ الكتابِ فجاءنا
بتحليلِها نصُّ الهَوى ومُديرُها

10. And Shawwal came with it so make way for it
Even if crossing it is forbidden upon you

١٠. وأقبلَ شوالٌ بها فافرِجُوا لها
وإن كان مَحظوراً عليكُم عُبورُها

11. I see deputies, wishing, her lips
And only the Most High and its Emir curbed her

١١. أرى نائِباتٍ نابِياتٍ شفارُها
وما كفَّها إلا العُلى وأميرُها

12. And the conduct of a people in dew, Ghulibi
For every time one of them who leads it

١٢. وسيرةُ قومٍ في الندى تغلِبيَّةٌ
لكل زمانٍ منهم من يَسيرُها

13. And for the brilliant state light bundled
From the highest horizon and this its illuminator

١٣. وللدولة الزهراءِ نورٌ مطنِّبٌ
من الأفُقِ الأعلى وهذا مُنيرُها

14. A youth preceding the youths who were before him
So the first of the youths of glories is its last

١٤. فتىً يَسبِقُ الفتيان من كان قبلَهُ
فأولُ فتيانِ المَعالي أخيرُها

15. Her father is her son in what I see and her elder
By the date of the years her younger

١٥. أبوها ابنُها فيما أرى وكبيرُها
على حُكم تاريخِ السنينَ صَغيرها

16. As if when Abu Al-Hayja sufficed with her
Her father was the father of Al-Hayja when he rouses her

١٦. كأن أبا الهَيجاءِ لما اكتَنى بها
أبوه أبو الهَيجاءِ حين يُثيرُها

17. He has great deeds in the Most High, either pulling her
To his rule therein or protecting her

١٧. له في العُلى فِعلانِ إما يجرُّها
إلى حُكمِه فيها وإما يُجيرُها

18. The brother of the Presence which frivolity does not enter its borders
Nor does vile speech possibility attend its presence

١٨. أخو حضرةٍ لا يدخلُ الهزلُ شِعبَها
ولا يُمكنُ القولَ الذميم حُضورُها

19. And the churls did not emanate from it so it did not prepare
Its burdens filled and its chests

١٩. ولا صَدَرت عنها العُفاةُ فلم تُعد
حقائبَها مملوءةً وصدورُها

20. Attributes if it were not for the beauty of its face
It would lack in the world a peer

٢٠. خلائِقُ لولا حسنُ صورة وجههِ
لأعوزَ في الدنيا عَليها نظيرُها