
How long will he throw, and how much does he intend

حتى متى يرمي وكم يتعمد

1. How long will he throw, and how much does he intend
His hands were tied, so my hands cannot cool

١. حتَّى متى يَرمي وكم يتعمَّد
غُلَّت يَداهُ فغُلَّتي لا تَبرُدُ

2. An eyelid glanced at my heart so I watched him
He left and returned, how much do I keep watch

٢. طرفٌ تطرَّف مُهجتي فرصدتُه
فمضى وعاد وكم تَراني أرصُدُ

3. Until he penetrated when he realized my heart
Today I make him black to my black heart

٣. حتى تغلغلَ حين أدركَ مُهجتي
فاليوم أسودُه لقلبي أسودُ

4. When he appeared and saw my tears flowing
He turned aside multiplying while I bowed in oneness

٤. لما بدا ورأى انهمالَ مدامعي
ولَّى يثلِّثُ وانثنيتُ أوحِّدُ

5. O Lord how did you help him yet I am the one
Among the three that worships you

٥. يا ربِّ كيفَ نصرتَه وأنا الذي
إياكَ من بينِ الثلاثة أعبُدُ

6. And I turned away from him when I knew, yet
That rejection as you know is intended

٦. وصددتُ عنه لما علمت وإنما
ذاك الصدودُ كما علمتَ مصدَّدُ

7. And my involvement in the illness is a glance of his arrow
Not his opinion in what came to him is aimed

٧. ومُساهمي في السقم طرفٌ سهمُه
لا رأيه فيما أتاه مسدّدُ

8. He throws so he hits me, and the events around him
And their talk is supported to the nights

٨. يَرمي فَيُصمي والحوادث حولَه
وحديثُهنَّ إلى الليالي مُسنَدُ

9. And I relied on you from his tribulations
O Ahmad son of Mohammed, O Ahmad

٩. وقد استندتُ إليكَ من نكباتها
يا أحمدَ بنَ محمدٍ يا أحمَدُ

10. Today you extend your palm to comfort me
To divert it, and you stand while I sit

١٠. اليوم تبسطُ راحتيكَ براحَتي
من صَرفها وتقومُ أنتَ وأقعُدُ

11. And for it you were called and how much were you called for the like
So your help flowed to the extent that the appointment kneels

١١. ولها دُعيتَ وكم دعيتَ لمثلِها
فجرى نداكَ بحيثُ يكبُو الموعِدُ

12. With manners like water in its purity
But they for the one seeking help are more gentle and cooler

١٢. بخلائق كالماء عند صفائه
بل هُن للصادي أرقُّ وأبرَدُ

13. And with determination like fire except that
The misfortunes are thrown on it and it is ignited

١٣. وعزائمٍ كالنارِ إلا أنَّها
تُلقى عليها النائباتُ وتُوقدُ

14. And when the two youths put on some of his swords
So Abu Al Hussein is wearing the like

١٤. وإذا انتَضى الحدثانُ بعض سيوفِه
فأبو الحُسين بمثلِه متقلِّدُ

15. O you who thinks generosity is definitely a duty
I think your assumption is wrong

١٥. يا من يظنُّ الجودَ حتماً واجباً
إنّي أظنُّ بأنَّ ظنَّك يَفسُدُ

16. As long as you are praised for giving comfort
If the doer of duty is not praised

١٦. مادمتَ مَحموداً على بذل الندى
إذا كان فاعلُ واجبٍ لا يُحمَدُ