1. The winds were telling me tales
Of places and times long past,
١. جَعلَت تُحدِّثني الحَوا
دِثُ بالمُقامِ وبِالظَّعَن
2. And asked, "Who do you long for?
Who did you once hold so fast?"
٢. وتقولُ مَن لَكَ أو بِمَن
تَسطُو وما عَلِمت بِمَن
3. Of a loyal knight whose sword
Was shaped by the age's deceit.
٣. بفتىً وَفَى وسُيوفُهُ
طُبِعَت عَلى غَدرِ الزَّمَن
4. "Can you not see the wounds
That Yemen has carved on his feet?"
٤. أوَ ما تَراهُ بمسِّها
ماذا جَناهُ على اليَمَن
5. "Which of his troubles has grabbed
And clawed at Abu Al-Hasan?
٥. أيُّ الأمور اشتَدَّ ها
نَ عَلى الأميرِ أبي الحَسَن
6. You who haunt his restless dreams
And sing to him songs of sin!"
٦. يا مَن تَروعُ الرَّوعَ هَي
بَتُه وتُغنِيه الفِتَن
7. "Take the advice of one who knows
The far reaches of ev'ry dune:
٧. جَهِلَت فخُذها مِن لَدُن
كَ بعلمِ أطرافِ اللُّدُن
8. Return while the soil still knows
The prints of your heels, return soon!"
٨. أصبحتُ يا وطَن المكا
رِم قد صبَوتُ إلى الوَطَن
9. Homeland of glories, I've wandered
Too long, I now turn home again,
٩. وغَرِقتُ في بَحرِ الأما
ني فَالق لي حَبلَ المِنَن
10. I'm drowning in a sea of sorrows,
Throw me a rope, let me gain
١٠. واعطِف قَناةَ الدَّهرِ إن
نَ الدَّهرَ يُثبتُ مَن طَعَن