
I am free from the deceptions of languid eyes

خلصت من خدعات الأعين النجل

1. I am free from the deceptions of languid eyes,
So I am very cunning and tricky.

١. خلصتُ من خَدعاتِ الأَعينِ النُّجلِ
إنِّي إذاً لَشديدُ المكرِ والحِيَلِ

2. As long as I disable the authority of passion for her,
It is as if that authority is from me.

٢. مادمتُ أعزلُ سُلطانَ الغَرام بها
كأنَّما ذلكَ السلطانُ من قِبَلي

3. And from my despair, I persisted, so I became
The pains of my patience do not leave me without torment.

٣. وكنتُ من جَزَعي أُلحى فصِرتُ عَلى
صَبري أُلامُ فَما أَخلو من العَذَلِ

4. Whether I am distracted or not and it saddens me,
Oh what great event has occurred!

٤. فإن سَلوتُ وإِن لَم أسلُ واحزَني
يا لَلرِّجالِ لهَذا الحادِثِ الجَلَلِ

5. Take advantage of time with moments that pass by,
Hasten the turns of time.

٥. خُذِ الزَّمانَ بأوقاتٍ تَفوتُ بِها
صَرفَ الزَّمانِ وبادِرها عَلى عَجَلِ

6. For paradigms have changed and transformed,
And the patient has become faulty.

٦. فقَد تَقلَّبتِ الأمثالُ وانقلَبَت
وأصبحَ المتأنِّي صاحِبَ الزَّلَلِ

7. And set out with a pure one in the palm of one pure,
Like the sun when the sun is in Aries.

٧. وانهَض لِصافيةٍ في كفِّ صافِيةٍ
كالشمسِ حينَ تكونُ الشمسُ في الحَمَلِ

8. When you take the cup from her greeting,
She gives you after it a cup of flirtation.

٨. إِذا تَناوَلتَ منها الكأسَ مُنتَحيا
سقَتكَ في إثرِها كأساً من الغَزَلِ

9. And the passage of time spent the night assailing me,
Hiding from my blames furtively.

٩. وربَّ صَرفِ زَمانٍ باتَ يَطرُقُني
مُستَخفِياً من مَذمَّاتي عَلى وَجَلِ

10. Until when the two hands of the energetic attached to him,
This is Ali and this is Gharra son of Ali.

١٠. حتَّى إِذا عَلِقَت كفاهُ صحتُ بِه
هَذا عَليٌّ وهَذا غُرَّةُ بنُ عَلِي

11. He bolted into the earth hoping to escape them,
And he may spend the night sought on a hope.

١١. فطاشَ في الأَرض يَرجو أن يَفوتَهما
وربَّما باتَ مَطلوباً عَلى أَمَلِ

12. And where can he take it and the horizons had been taken,
With dew and heights, by words and actions.

١٢. وأينَ يأخُذُ والأَقطارُ قد أُخِذَت
من النَّدى والعُلى بالقَولِ والعَمَلِ

13. When the heights became inaccessible to those who seek them,
They became unreachable to him.

١٣. إذا العُلى امتَنَعَت ممَّن يُحاوِلُها
فأصبَحَت دونَه مَقطوعَةَ السُّبُلِ

14. Ali became very high over its shoulder,
And it does not stop being like this and has not stopped.

١٤. أمسَى عَليٌّ عَلِيّاً فَوقَ كاهِلِها
ولا يَزالُ عَلى هَذا ولَم يَزَلِ

15. His enemies change with racing horses,
And they carry ages to maturity.

١٥. تُغيرُ أعداؤُهُ بالخَيلِ سابِقَةً
وهُنَّ يَحمِلنَ أَعماراً إِلى أَجَلِ

16. God bless you from an anger that has traces,
In calamities when I say bearing witness for me.

١٦. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ عن عَضبٍ لَه أَثَرٌ
في النائِباتِ إِذا ما قُلتُ يَشهدُ لي

17. It sees chaos in the clothes of death coming forth,
As it sees the beautiful gazelle in adornment.

١٧. يَرى الوَغى في ثِيابِ المَوتِ بارِزَةً
كَما يَرى الغادَةَ الحَسناءَ في الحُلَلِ

18. What do you like about it when you prepare it?
Are your shining white actions between white and black?

١٨. ماذا يَروقُكَ مِنها حينَ تَمهَرُها
أَفعالكَ البيضَ بينَ البيضِ والأَسَلِ

19. If you rode to a matter you rode to it,
With strong determination from hesitation and failing.

١٩. إِذا رَكِبتَ إِلى أَمرٍ رَكِبتَ لهُ
عَزماً بَرياً من التَّرييثِ والفَشَلِ

20. You were excessive in generosity until you became
The people of villainy and stinginess exist among the generous.

٢٠. أسرَفتَ في الجودِ حَتَّى صِرتَ تُوجِدَ في
أَهلِ المَكارِمِ أَهلَ اللَّؤم والبخَلِ