
For whom are the abodes that the lands offer as gifts

لمن حلل تهاداها البقاع

1. For whom are the abodes that the lands offer as gifts
As if their homes were camels grazing

١. لِمَن حِلَلٌ تَهاداها البِقاعُ
كأنَّ بيوتَها إبلٌ رِتاعُ

2. Wherever they settled, they were at home
And wherever they feel reassured, they pasture

٢. أَراهُم حَيثُما حلُّوا استَقَلُّوا
فَفيما تَطمَئِنُّ بِهم تُراعُ

3. Do you know what has brought you here, so how do you know
If the meeting is the farewell

٣. أتَدري ما دَهاكَ فَكيفَ تَدري
إذا كانَ اللِّقاءُ هو الوَداعُ

4. And between the homes of this neighborhood is a home
That has a story I do not divulge

٤. وبينَ بيوتِ هَذا الحَيِّ بَيتٌ
لَه عِندي حَديثٌ لا يُذاعُ

5. So suffice it, do not dispute me over it
Otherwise, the dispute between you and I would be prolonged

٥. فحسبُكَ لا تُنازِعُني عَلَيه
وإِلا طالَ بي وبكَ النِّزاعُ

6. And it is feared that words would lead to connection
That would lead to the cutting off of connection

٦. وقَد يُخشَى مِن القَول اتِّصالٌ
يَطولُ بِه من الوَصل انقِطاعُ

7. And in the tents are slow glances
For their leisure and swift killings

٧. وفي الخَيماتِ ألحاظٌ بِطاءٌ
لفَترتِها وفَتكاتٌ سِراعُ

8. And a branch whose whisper I felt in my heart
So I found its heaviness unbearable

٨. وغصنٌ خِفتُ خِفَّتَه بقَلبي
فثقلَه الذي لا يُستَطاعُ

9. Like a sandy dune from which clothes slip
It has a height from wherever I circled around it

٩. كثيبُ نَقاً يزلُّ الثوبُ عَنه
لَه مِن حيثُ طُفت بهِ ارتِفاعُ

10. And I have never seen a heart as hidden as mine
Behind the chest, having no acquiescence

١٠. ولم أرَ قطُّ مَحجوباً كقَلبي
وراءَ الصَّدرِ ليسَ له امتِناعُ

11. And hopes that no hand extends and then folds
For its disappointment, as predators do

١١. وآلى لا تُمدُّ يَدٌ فتُثنى
لخَيبَتها كما آلى سِباعُ

12. He saw the world and for extravagance in it
There is a matter of administration that cannot be obeyed

١٢. رأى الدُّنيا وللتَبذيرِ فيها
عَلَى التدبيرِ أمرٌ لا يُطاعُ

13. So he let it go, and if it had grasped his hands
With its disheveled hair, instincts would have released it

١٣. فأرسَلَها ولو شَدَّت يَداها
شَكائِمَها لحلَّتها الطِّباعُ

14. When nothing remains of it but the memories
Those memories are the cheapest merchandise sold

١٤. إذا لَم يَبقَ إلا الذكرُ مِنها
فذاكَ الذِّكرُ أرخَص ما يُباعُ

15. For every honor there is access
And for the rest of the world there is pursuit

١٥. لَه في كلِّ مَكرُمةٍ سُلوكٌ
ولِلباقي مِن الدُّنيا اتِّباعُ

16. He considers it cheating when nights pass
Without progressing in them his craft

١٦. يعد الغبنَ أن تَمضي الليالي
ولا يَمضي له فيها اصطِناعُ

17. And he who plants good deeds for himself will reap glory
And he will establish it to harvest benefits

١٧. ومَن يَزرَع لَه المَعروفُ مجداً
ويثبتُه يريعُهُ اليَراعُ

18. The generous passed on the likes of what
You left behind, so were they thirsty and pained?

١٨. وقد سَلفَ الكرامُ بمِثلِ ماذا
خَلَفتَ بِه فَهَل ظَمِئوا وجاعوا

19. I see the milestones that scattered long ago
Have in what they feel happy about a reunion

١٩. أَرى المِلَلَ التي افتَرقَت قَديماً
لَها فيما تُسَرُّ بِه اجتِماعُ

20. And that is some of the nights' acquisitions
And what people build up for you an amplitude

٢٠. وذلكَ بعضُ مُكتَسَبِ الليالي
وما يَبني لكَ الخلقُ الوساعُ

21. Eid distinguishes some people over others
But happiness in it is common

٢١. يَخصُّ العيدُ قَوماً دونَ قَومٍ
ولَكِنَّ السرورَ بِه مُشاعُ