
I see a rider singing in the meadows

أرى في عراصي راكبا مترنما

1. I see a rider singing in the meadows
Did your eyes renew their weeping after me

١. أرَى في عِراصِي راكِباً مُتَرنِّما
فَهل جَدَّدَت عَيناكَ بَعدي مُتَيَّما

2. What talk of them is easiest guided
That love occurs among the people from them

٢. فأَيسَرُ ما يُهدَى حَديثُهما بِه
مَع الناسِ أنَّ الحُبَّ يَحدثُ مِنهُما

3. As if when you were sick, you darkened a bleary-eyed
Of weak strength, you stripped a white, gaunt

٣. كأنَّكَ إِذ أمرَضتَ أكحلَ مُسقَماً
ضَعيفَ القُوى جَرَّدتَ أَبيضَ مِخذَما

4. And if I wanted, I would warn hearts about it
But I say and leave the words ambiguous

٤. ولَو شِئتُ أنذَرتُ القُلوبَ بِحدِّه
فقُلتُ ولكِن أتركُ القَولَ مُبهَما

5. And if I was foolish with change in passion
Then soon after today I will learn

٥. وإِن كُنتُ غِراً بالتَّغيِّرِ في الهَوى
فَيوشِكُ بَعدَ اليَومِ أَن أتَعَلَّما

6. So do not deny that the tears changed color
And clothed the cheeks in a cold, broken complexion

٦. فلا تُنكرَن أنَّ الدُّموعَ تَلوَّنَت
وألبَستِ الخَدَّينِ بُرداً مُسَهَّما

7. I remembered something so my tears poured down
The whiteness of my mouth in the redness of blushes

٧. تذَكَّرتُ شَيئاً فاستَهلَّت بِمِثلِه
دُموعي بَياضَ الثَّغرِ في حُمرةِ اللَّما

8. A knocker of night, not seeking companionship
Nor wanting food from intensity of hunger

٨. وطارِقِ لَيلٍ لا الصِّلاءُ أتى بِه
ولا يَبتَغي مِن شِدَّةِ الجوعِ مَطعَما

9. Not lost, so sought direction or humiliated, so insisted
That you prevent him, the insistent, resolute

٩. ولا ضَلَّ فاستَهدى ولا ذَلَّ فالتَجا
لكَي تَمنَعي مِنهُ الكميَّ المُصَمّما

10. Nor blood money for his people you carry
When blood becomes its load, it stops blood

١٠. ولا دِيَّة عَن قَومهِ تَحمِلينَها
إِذا الدَّم أَمسى حَملُه يَحقِن الدِّما

11. It's just that you be generous with a look
In which he renews his old pact

١١. وَلا هُو إِلا أَن تَجودي بِنَظرَةٍ
يُجَدِّدُ فيها عَهدَهُ المُتَقَدِّما

12. Like a precious jewel in the shop of a stubborn seller
I rode to her through the darkness of night, dim

١٢. وكَمتاءَ في حانوتِ قَسٍّ بِتاجِها
ركبتُ إلَيها مِن دُجى اللَّيلِ أدهَما

13. I found him wandering between her treasures
And praying for her for half the darkness, bending

١٣. فألفَيتُهُ قَد طافَ بينَ دِنانِها
وصَلَّى لَها شَطرَ الظَّلامِ وهَوَّما

14. I threaded to her until I knew his place
And woke him, then I started greeting

١٤. تخللتُها حتَّى عَرَفتُ مكانَهُ
ونَبَّهتُه ثمَّ ابتَدأتُ مُسَلِّما

15. He didn't see me until he faced her and named me
And bid her goodbye, sealed, and bid farewell

١٥. فَلم يَرَني حتَّى وَجاها وسامَني
وسَلَّمها مَختُومَةً وتَسَلَّما

16. His soul didn't take when I surprised him
As the noble soul takes the noble, honoring

١٦. وما أَخَذَتهُ نَفسُه إِذ طَرَقتُه
بِما تأخذُ النَّفسُ الكَريمَةُ مُكرما

17. When he is generous, he hides his generosity, veiled
As the brave kills the moaner, masked

١٧. إِذا جادَ أخفَى جودَه مُتَسَتِّراً
كَما يَقتلُ النّدبُ الشُّجاعُ مُلَثَّما

18. His gifts aren't to the extent of his soul
Though great, the clouds are lower than the sky

١٨. وليسَت عَطاياهُ عَلى قَدرِ نَفسِه
وإِن عَظُمَت فالسُّحبُ أَدنى مِن السَّما

19. And he brought me closer than the house of his money
What a neighbor! He didn't refuse or get gloomy

١٩. وبَيتِ نَدىً أَدناهُ مِن بَيتِ مالِه
فيَا لكَ جاراً ما أعَقَّ وأَظلَما

20. I see him one time traveling, self-concealed
Over it, another time, approaching, frowning

٢٠. وَطَوراً تَراهُ سائِراً مُتَسَوِّراً
علَيهِ وطَوراً والِجاً مُتَجَهِّما

21. And he points the visitors, points them
To his opinion, not to see in it a dirham

٢١. ودَلَّ علَيهِ القاصِدينَ يَدلُّهُم
عَلى رَأيِهِ ألا يَرى فيهِ دِرهَما

22. Submerged in the color of her saliva
He mutely speaks, gathering her gums

٢٢. ومَغموسَةٍ في مِثلِ لَونِ لُعابِها
يَضُمُّ حَشاها صامِتاً مُتَكلِّما

23. Like the span of a hand, but his affliction
If prolonged, prolonged the evenly proportioned poison

٢٣. عَلى مِثل قيدِ الشِّبرِ لكنَّ باسَه
إِذا طالَ طالَ السَّمهَريَّ المُقَوَّما

24. You combined with it a distant worry and ambition
Digression, complete merit and progress

٢٤. قَرنتَ بِه هَمَّاً بَعيداً وهِمَّةً
شَروداً وفَضلاً كامِلاً وتَقَدُّما

25. O people, if dew were not eloquent
This dew would be translating him

٢٥. أبا البِشرِ لَو كانَ النَّدى غيرَ ناطِقٍ
لأصبَحَ هَذا البِشرُ عَنه مُتَرجِما

26. I see every day an opponent, opponent facing
Staying when the rabble think of it

٢٦. أَرى كلَّ يَومٍ عارِضاً مُتَعرِّضاً
مُقيماً إِذا همَّ العُفاةُ بِه هَما

27. The horizons shine for him at his emergence
When the gift of generosity scorned and darkened

٢٧. تُضيءُ لَه الآفاقُ عندَ طُلوعِهِ
إِذا عارضُ الجودِ استَقلَّ وأَظلَما

28. He quenched and satisfied me, I can't regain it
I separate if I part from it, the return of darkness

٢٨. سَقاني وَروَّاني فَما أَستَعيدُه
وأفرَقُ إِن فارَقتُهُ عَودَةَ الظَّما