
In God's eyes I left you, not in my eyes

بعين الله هجرك لا بعيني

1. In God's eyes I left you, not in my eyes,
Perhaps the difference between the two gazes,

١. بعَينِ اللَّهِ هجرُك لا بعَيني
لعلَّ الفَرقَ بينَ النَّظرتَينِ

2. Would bring you back, or bring back my patience,
On you, as it is one of two.

٢. تردُّكَ أو تَردُّ علَيَّ صَبري
عَليكَ فإنَّها إحدَى اثنَتَينِ

3. And barriers shone between me and you,
Barriers between my joys and me.

٣. وشَت بَيني وبَينَكَ لامِعاتٌ
قَواطعُ بينَ لَذَّاتي وبَيني

4. Like the bars of prison, suspended,
And wretched is the jewelry that is prison bars.

٤. كقُضبانِ اللُّجَينِ مُعلَّقاتٌ
وبِئسَ الحَليُ قُضبانُ اللُّجَينِ

5. The forties have targeted me with them, so my eyes became silent,
And the mirror became just blinking my eyes.

٥. رَمَتني الأربَعُونَ بها فأصمَت
فصارَت تَطرِفُ المرآةُ عَيني

6. And no humming bard, runs and sings,
To cut off when traveling between Hain.

٦. وما مُترنِّمٌ يَعدُو فيَحدُو
ليَقطَعَ حِينَ سفرته بحَيني

7. Wait, for they are drooping branches,
Whose roots were planted on camel litters.

٧. تأنَّ فإنَّهنَّ غُصونُ بانٍ
مَنابتُ غَرسِهنَّ رِكابُ بَينِ

8. You have solitude while your hands are full, so turn back,
To the one whose belly is full and hands are empty.

٨. خَلَوتَ وقَد مَلأتَ يديك فَاعطِف
لِمَملُوءِ الحَشَى خِلوِ اليَدينِ

9. Can I trust that we will take turns being sick
And your health once alternates?

٩. أتأمَنُ أن نكونَ عَلى سَقامي
وبرئِك مرَّةً مُتعاقبينِ

10. While you see the day and what comes after it,
Turning over what is in them.

١٠. وأنتَ تَرى النَّهارَ وما يَليهِ
عَلى ما فيهما مُتَقلِّبَينِ

11. As if you have taken a pledge from the nights,
From among the lions, son of Al-Hussein.

١١. كأنَّكَ قد أخَذت عَلى اللَّيالي
عُهوداً مِن سِباعِ بن الحُسَينِ

12. So if you leave then you are divorced,
For the ease of face, and ease of both sides.

١٢. فإن تَذهَب فأنتَ إذاً طَليقٌ
لطَلقِ الوَجهِ طَلقِ الرَّاحتَينِ

13. To my firm resolve, firm determination in it,
Impenetrable on both sides if you deny me.

١٣. لماضِي الحَزمِ ماضِي العَزمِ فيها
إذا امتَنَعت منيعَ الجانِبَينِ

14. His morals approached while his pride rose high,
Our gatherings, the companion of the two quilts.

١٤. دنَت أخلاقُه وعَلَت عُلاهُ
مجالِسُنا جَليسُ الفَرقَدَينِ

15. For his traits and his zeal disagreement,
And it does not harm to combine the two hurts.

١٥. لِشِيمتِه وهمتِه اختِلافٌ
وليسَ يَضرُّ جمعُ الضَرَّتينِ

16. Has the time of your devotion come, and it comes to you,
With what delights you truly.

١٦. أتاكَ أوانُ نُسكِكَ وهو يأتي
عليكَ بما يسرُّك حَقَّتينِ

17. While you protect this mouth that is in it,
And your protection is winning with both beauties.

١٧. وأنتَ تَصونُ هَذا الثَّغر فيه
وصَونُكَ فائِزٌ بالحُسنَيَينِ

18. I only claim from you livelihood,
Although I have spent all of it in loans.

١٨. وما أنا مُقتَضيكَ الرِّزقَ إلا
وقد أنفقتُ جُملتَه بدَينِ

19. For if you guide the course of my situation,
I will guide with what I say the confused.

١٩. فإنَّك إن سَدَدتَ خِلالَ حالي
سَدَدتُ بما أقولُ الخافِقَينِ