
Every person has a place

كل إنسان له من

1. Every person has a place
In both this world and the next

١. كلُّ إنسانٍ لهُ مَن
زِلةٌ في الثَّقلَينِ

2. So why do all these people
Claim to have two places?

٢. فَلماذا كلُّ نِصفٍ
يدَّعِي مَنزِلَتَينِ

3. They impose themselves on others
With a jesting manner

٣. تِه عَلى النَّاسِ بخَلقٍ
وبِخُلقٍ مُضحِكينِ

4. It's because of this confusion
That I weep, oh beloved

٤. فلِهذا التّيهِ ألهُو
بكَ يا سُخنَةَ عينِ