
I'm infatuated with the ostentatious one

أنا معجب بالمعجب التياه

1. I'm infatuated with the ostentatious one
Immersed in his love, infinitely

١. أنا مُعجَبٌ بالمُعجَبِ التَّيَّاهِ
مُتَغَلغِلٌ في حُبِّهِ مُتَناهي

2. He prides himself on me, while I suffer longing
How odd our separation is, though each one prideful

٢. يَزهُو عليَّ وأغتَدي ذا لَوعَةٍ
عَجَباً لفُرقَتِنا وكلٌّ زاهِي

3. His beautiful face has disappeared, so I longed for it
And pictured the morals of Abdullah

٣. غابَت محاسِنُ وَجههِ فاشتَقتُها
فَتَصوَّرَت أخلاقَ عَبدِ اللَّهِ

4. The dew has become a likeness of him and my poems
Have you seen how similarities harmonize?

٤. أضحَى النَّدى شِبهاً له ومَدائِحي
أَرَأيتَ كيفَ تَجانُسُ الأَشباهِ

5. Oh son of relief and nights of comfort
Except for me, for they are ruinous

٥. يا ابنَ المفرِّجِ واللَّيالي أنعمٌ
إلا عليّ فإنَّهنَّ دَواهي

6. They refuse the length of time to meet me
Except those of ignorance and foolishness

٦. يأبَينَ طولَ الدَّهرِ أن يَلقَينَني
إلا ذَواتِ جَهالةٍ وسَفاهِ

7. My hands fell short so his glory knocked
The length of hands increases the width of glory

٧. قَصُرَت يَدايَ فَدقَّ جاهي عِندها
طُولُ اليَدَينِ يَزيدُ عَرضَ الجاهِ

8. And I see you seeking the heights with strength
So hold onto it before the feeble fading one

٨. وأَراكَ في طلَبِ العُلى ذا قُوَّةٍ
فامسِك بها رَمَقَ الضَّعيفِ الواهي