1. Do you see me as I see you, an alluring sight
Except as I complain to you full of longing?
١. أَرَأَيتَني فيما أَراكَ طَروقا
إِلا كَما أَشكو إِلَيكَ مَشوقا
2. Was my yearning like your phantom, lying
So you lived between liars a path?
٢. أَم كانَ شَوقي مثلَ طَيفِكَ كاذِباً
فعمَرتَ بَينَ الكاذِبينَ طَريقا
3. Restrain my eyes upon you, for none other flutter
My eyes as long as my heart is throbbing
٣. احبِس عليكَ فلَيسَ تَخفقُ غيرَها
عَينايَ مادامَ الفُؤادُ خَفوقا
4. O eyelids, how dare you steal a glance
When a jealous guardian reveals what's stolen?
٤. يا طرفُ كَيفَ جسَرتَ تَسرقُ نَظرَةً
وعليكَ والٍ يُظهِر المَسروقا
5. Between crying and wakefulness is a sojourn
That purposely seeks drowning and burning
٥. بينَ البُكاءِ إِلى السُّهادِ مقامَةٌ
تَتَعمَّدُ التَّغريقَ والتَّحريقا
6. With cheeks that modesty has held back
His blood, so by that mine was set free
٦. ومُهَفهَفٍ حَبَس الحياء بِخدِّه
دمَه فصارَ دَمي بِذاكَ طَليقا
7. This is pleasing and that provoking, but
This, its clarity pleases to make one melt
٧. هَذا يَروقُ وذا يُراقُ وإنَّما
هَذا يَروقُ صَفاؤهُ ليُريقا
8. He cries as I cry when I see him
Deliberately, lest the beloved be known
٨. يَبكي كَما أَبكي إِذا عايَنتُه
عَمداً لِكَيلا تعرفَ المَعشوقا
9. And when you look to innocence and sorrow
Barrier and complaint, you see differences
٩. وإِذا نَظرتَ إِلى الصَّبابَةِ والأَسى
والصدِّ والشَّكوى رأيتَ فُروقا
10. O you whose traits the breeze copies
In color, taste, and two gardens and saliva
١٠. يا مَن تُحاكي الراحُ مِن أَوصافِه
لَوناً وطَعماً وَجنَتَين وَريقا
11. Arise and serve it to me when its embers have flown
In the cup and the wine has turned to cinder
١١. قُم فَاسقِنيها حينَ طارَ شَرارها
في الكَأسِ فانقَلَبَ الرَّحيقُ حَريقا
12. Like my father al-Khasib while you are sustained by Him
You call Him when He calls sustained
١٢. كَأَبي الخَصيبِ وأنتَ مَرزوقٌ بِه
تَدعوهُ عِندَ ندائِه مَرزوقا
13. As for the companion of money to supremacy
And glory, determined, so an evil companion
١٣. أمَّا رَفيقُ المالِ مِنه إِلى العُلى
والمَجد معتَزِمٌ فساءَ رَفيقا
14. As if the companion of blessings shook his hand
On parting with it, conditional by that bond
١٤. وكأنَّما صَحِبَ النَّدى يَده عَلى
تَفريقِها شرطاً بِذاكَ وَثيقا
15. You do not distinguish his words with a promised time
Until you see him in his action preceded
١٥. لا تَستَبين بِموعدٍ لفظاتُه
حتَّى تَراهُ بفعلِه مَسبوقا
16. You almost think the clouds of his generosity
Rain the rights before showing them lightning
١٦. فتَكادُ أَن تَهمي سَحائبُ جودِه
مِن قَبل أَن تُبدي لهنَّ بُروقا
17. Until they rained the rights for him, but
You think he fulfils them rightfully
١٧. حتَّى مَطرنَ لهُ الحقوقَ وإنَّما
لَتَخالُه يَقضي بهنَّ حُقوقا
18. His virtues preoccupied hearts and there was not
In books an interpretation or commentary
١٨. شَغَلَت مَحاسِنُه الصُّدورَ ولَم يَكن
في الكُتبِ تَخريجاً ولا تَعليقا
19. His love thrived and its plantation fruited
A life for the length of time elegant
١٩. وزكَت مَودَّتُه وأثمرَ غَرسُها
عَيشاً عَلى طولِ الزمانِ أنيقا
20. I thus began to covet the likes of it from people
And took the enemy as a friend
٢٠. فَجعلتُ أَطمعُ في الأنامِ بِمِثلِها
أُخرى فأتخذُ العدوَّ صَديقا
21. Your help exhausted the land before its exhaustion
But I see it in the sky compassionate
٢١. أَفنى نَداكَ الأَرض قبلَ فَنائِها
لكِن أَراهُ عَلى السَّماءِ شَفيقا
22. From what attaches its concern to a concern
To distract a glance from seeing perversion
٢٢. مِما يعلِّقُ همَّه في همَّةٍ
لتَعوقَ طَرفاً أن يَرى العَيوقا